Yellow! I'm back :) Went to straight school yesterday from Amanda's house. Hee, didn't know that Amanda's house was that close to school :) Hee, went for the mime thingy in school till 11.15am. Rushed home to shower & change and headed to church for the youth rally thing. The segment in church was interesting to some extent :) God i sound like I'm writing some Literature essay. Anyways, I really thank Joe for sharing his personal experiences & helping us to get to understand God's works more.
The part at Toa Poyah Sports Hall was the best :) It was effing fun! Everyone had the same tees! Can you imagine if I called Angie & asked, "Angie, I can't find you! What shirt are you wearing?" That would be so freakin' dumb since we would all be wearing the same shirt? Haha! Everything was so frigging fun! Too bad, OLPS & Holy Family was sitting so far far far away from us. They so make churches of the same district sit together :) That way everyone would be happy :)
Everything was frigging fun! Well, except for the part where a girl screamed when there was suppose to be silence. She was screaming for so freakin' long, and according to Angie, she sounded like she was being raped. And it really
did sound that way. It was during the time when we had to kneel for 15 minutes straight on hard floors, I can swear that my knees could have gave way & I would have definitely fell like 4 frigging huge steps? Anyways, I swear the screaming was so freaky, Dalia & I were squeezing each other's hands. Hee :) But the rest of the time was mostly praise & worship which was so totally awesome! Especially when Louisa, Carmen, Dalia & I went over to OLPS' side at the near end of praise & worship :) Haha! I stood between Angie & Natalie. Haha, my first time screaming together with Natalie :) Haha, we were all jumping up & down, up & down :) I really need to learn to wear shoes to these events, especially when I'm jumping up & down next to Angie, she kept stepping on my little toe :( haha, but still, it was fun :) Though the lyrics to the song was flashed on the screens, I still didn't know how to sing
some songs so I started to replace them with
"LALALAs" :) I know I'm frigging smart :)
Youth Rally 2008 :)
Look at Carmen :)

Look at Camren again :)

Celine, Rachel, Liselotte, AnQi & Me :)

During the Youth Rally

Angie is all the way at the other end :)

Introducing Dalia, Louisa, Carmen & Me :)

This is us after the fun :)

After the youth rally
"One way" out of the sports hall is through the door
Queen of Peace :)