Friday, May 23, 2008
Put your hands in the air! And wave them like you just don't care!!! HAHA! OMG! School's finally over man! OMG! Holidays are here!! HERE HERE HERE!!! I'm too lazy to blog anymore.. HAHA!
Friday, May 23, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, May 18, 2008
HEEHEE! Hey hey! I went to church in the morning. I like damn frigging tired la! Went for the 9am mass. Went to pick Ipsha up at Paya Lebar MRT. Met Chen Fang at the MRT too. Then waited for bus 76 to go to ECP. Saw Nerissa too. At the church bus stop. Someone dress so sexy, must be going to see her boyfriend lor. HEE! Saw Phoebe at the junction near the Marine Parade Library. HAHA! Chen fang and I walked right into her and she just walked off (: HEE! Chen fang and I were like "WTH? open your eyes can?" HAHA. And phoebe then messaged us (:
Phoebe: Ok la! You and retarded Chen fang just walked right into me la!
Stefanie: I didn't even see you la! I in church hor
Phoebe: Stefanie, you dont have to act retarded.
Stefanie: Seriously, I'm in church with Chen fang and Ipsha.
Phoebe: HAHA, very funny la
Went to the beach with Ipsha and Cairyn and Chen fang. Played with the sand and water. HAHA! Cool.. ok, i'm so odd now. Anyways, went to the arcade after the sand. I swear, DDR was damnit effing funny. 3 people stepping on one effing machine. HEE. After that went to Macs for lunch. Then we went bowling, Ipsha was like a pro la! Started off with going into the gitter, ended off with the highest score. HEE! My middle finger was damn effing painful at the end of the game because I was like damn pissed off with the weridos laughing at us when we bowl. Do they really think they were pros or something, laugh laugh laugh. HAHA! Then I called Ryan and my mood became better. Too bad Edwin and Edmund didn't come, I am damn frigging sure those weirdos ass would be kicked damn hard. HAHA! But I'm not the type that would encourage violence, I would only engage in vlugarities because I am a very hot tempered person. HAHA. Anyways, they stopped laughing when I finally got a strike, HAHA! And that actually made those fucking people shut up. HAHA! ANd Chen fang and I was laughing at THEM hee! HAHA! Gladys took a really really really long time to come, seemed like forever, so did Bella! Went cycling with Bella, Gladys and Ipsha, I swear I dont want to cycle during the weekends anymore. damn crowded la! Bella collide with some guy because he suddenly stopped in front of her HAHA! My fucking ass is like in pain because my big ass had to sit on a small seat on the bicycle. HAHA! and I sort of fell together with the bike when I tried to get off it, I'm too short and so I had a problem getting off the bike (: HA!
Sunday, May 18, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, May 17, 2008
HAHA! Hey! Today was damnit tiring. Went to school for dragon boating with the MGDians in the morning. It was kinda fun? HAHA, only YC knows how I really felt (: HEE! Anyways, rushed home to shower and then went off to piano. My arms ached from dragon boating and there I was at piano with my arms stretched out with my fingers on the keys of the piano for 90 mins. Gosh, after piano went to Paya Lebar MRT to meet Remus and Sara and we went to orchard. I had fun (: Just had a hard time talking, it's just that I have no idea what to say.. kept talking to Sara. Hee. I should really learn to talk more. Bloody Gladys offered no help at all? Instead she said so much nonsense which made me wanna kick her to Satan? HAHA! Watched Drillbit Taylor. HEE! Nice movie! (: HEE! coolio! Damnit effing funny. HAHA! Went home at like about 8? HAHA, had fun.. Thanks to Sara, Remus and Marcus, no thanks to Gladys and Yunhui.. HAHA! Yunhui, Sara still thinks you belong more to the zoo than she does. HEE!
Saturday, May 17, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, May 16, 2008
HEEHEE! Hello!!! I feel so geeky today! We went to the Science Centre today man! HAHA! Pure fun! All thanks to Bella, Ipsah, Cairyn, Chen fang, Jia Hua, Jingyi, Sarah and Veronica! HAHA! The best thing at the Science centre: The little chicks, the pictures that we took!
The worst thing at the science centre: The Hissing Cockroaches! Damn effing disgusting la!
I damn lazy to blog somemore, I'm posting pictures. HEE! Going to town with Sara, Marcus and Remus tomorrow. HEE.
Cairyn (:
Chen fang's big head, bella, Ipsah & me
Chen fang has no mouth! WHEE!
Stefanie and Chen fang, spastic picture partners

To eat Ipsah.. chen fang..
Or eat bella?

Sexy girls!

Sexy car!

Bella and Stef looking like shit?
Partners in CRIME!
Bite me! WHOO!
I swear the eyes move!
The T-rex!

Stefanie and Cairyn!
Gorgeous ain't it?
Chicken Little!
4 blind mice!

Bella's trying to prove that she as butt power?

Mrs Muscle!
Bone-y Jingyi! WHEE!
Them bones them bones them, dry bones!
Mr Muscle!

And you spot where she's pointing?
Bella is super strong

Some sexy snort in that hot nose!
Stefanie and Chenfang are the snort(s)!
Bella and Cairyn in a giant nose!
They said this is real..
I have no comments
Spastic? Yeah, pretty much!

Bella and me being retarded?
yeah, pretty much
Friday, May 16, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Happy birthday Elva! HEE!!!

Anyways, today was a boring day. The only exciting thing was in the evening! HAHA! Went to ECP with Bella, Amanda, Veronica, Shreya, Sarah. Anyone else? I dont know. (: HEE! Took pictures, walked and saw the scenery and ate. KC people ate Macs while Mrs L, me and MGDians ate at Komalas. The only reason I ate there was because It was like 3 years since I ate Komalas so.. YEAH! Oh and when i went to school, I wore Edwin's Man U shirt. And the Mr L, form the choir is seriously funny! HAHA! He saw the shirt and went...
Mr L: YAY! Go Man U!
Me: Sorry, I'm not a Man U fan, but more of an Arsenal fan
Mr L: then why you wear Man U shirt?
Me: Because I cannot find any Arsenal shirts (:
Mr L: ... CHEY!
HAHA, it was damnit funny and Bella was laughing and laughing and laughing! HAHA!
Spastic partner Chen fang!
Chen Fang, me, BELLA, Amanda
BELLA is so the odd one here!
Chen Fang and I give stupid face,
Bella pointing at a black bird..
HAHA! Bella!!!
Stefanie!!! Well, you and see a bit of Bella (:

BELLA! ta-da!
Can you see the two "L's" above Bella's head?
That is bella!
My feet are special!

We were suppose to step on Bella!
But somehow I'm stepped on too (:

Me, Veronica, Sarah and Bella!
HAHA! Peace out maan!
I can finally see Bella's eyes!
Small eyes, wide smile!
Stefanie and Bella! Partners in crime!
HAHA! Cell buddies man!

Amanda and ME!
Thursday, May 15, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Seriously, exams sucks. They should do away with exams I tell you, do away!!! HAHA! I think I did slightly better than before. But still, it sucked. The only thing I am really happy about is A math. I finally passed with A1. I mean, not bad for a first time pass. (: HEE! Whatever, the rest... EFFING SHIT~
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, May 12, 2008
OMG!!! WE went to the ZOOO today!!! HEEHEE! HAHA! It's been a long long time since I was at the zoo! HEEHEE!!! Met at school at like 12? HAHA! Ate lunch in school with Chen fang, cairyn, jing yi, angie, shreya, amanda, sarah. We saw elephant!!! YAY! Giraffe! And penguin!!! We saw susu the pygmy hippo at the zoo. But susu didn't go to the zoo to meet susu! So susu the hippo went on diet for the day because susu the bella did go to the zoo to see susu!!! Me and cairyn went to play in the playground, where there was water! YAY! We shoot water at shreya the papaya and she got wet!!! I also shoot cairyn and she got pissed with me. Then we went to KFC to eat early dinner! YAY us! Went to the swing with cairyn and talked about going overseas!!! And then this weird little boy did something effing weird so me and cairyn the win turned our backs and started laughing!!!
Met the mrs grace and mother serene at ben and jerry's and noticed that mother serene though a supposed nun wearing a very big diamond bling bling which cost about 1000 cents? HAHA! I pestered her to treat us to ben and jerry's! but she only gave us a pathetic $10 dollars, which is the approximate amount of her bling bling. HAHA! the ben and jerry's guy was damn funny la! Nevermind, I shouldn't say why...
Night safari.. haha! Mrs grace damn funny la! Z'bar. She was like.. "Z'bar? I have a Z'bar. We all have Z'bars!" HAHA! Mother Serene was like so blur Cairyn, Mrs Grace and I were talking about the Z'bars. HEE! On the tramp, Cairyn and I were sitting between the two teachers. HAHA! HEE! We threaten to push them off the tramp when we entered the maarsh lands because that microphone person (who looks like some ghost or something) said that there were crocodiles under the tramp which was like so so so not true, but somehow Mrs Grace bought that lie! HEE! plus I was sitting next to her! But out of the kindness of my heart, I didn't. HEE! That ghostly person with the microphone seriously had a big problem pronuncing words man! I didn't want to say anything but Mrs grace said to me "I cannot stand the way she talks leh!".. HAHA! that's when we cannot stop laughing hee! Cairyn and Miss Serene were looking at us la! HEE! That ghostly person said "We are now looking at the Great Acient Rhino". So I was thinking whoa! It doesn't really look that old.. but then Miss Grace and I realised that the sign board says "Great Asian Rhino"! And seriously, we couldn't stop laughing. HEE! IT was funny I swear. HAHA! Well... Can't wait for the photoshop workshop. I bet it will be boring but since MOTHER SERENE and MRS GRACE will be there, I know that it will be fun (: HEE!
That famous bird!
Angie, it's not big bird!
Spastical Stefanie and retarded Cairyn
PEPSI! ahhhhh... heehee. Inside joke (:
Not really a joke, but i laugh at almost everything so..
Candid of that Jing yi!!! HEE, all smiles (:
I can't believe she can read when we all felt like sleeping
Jingyi doesn't seem very focused on her book..
Probably Shreya papaya's fault hee!
Cairyn KOK! say cheese!!!

Angie thinks this is a NORMAL slide..
it is so not! It looks like the belts at the airport! HAHA!
angie, you are a goose. Unless you wnat to be Miss Swan

Angie's gonna fall

Or maybe not?

PAPAYA's turn!!!
Cairyn, STEFANIE and Chen fang!

Stefanie and Ah meng!

Sexy Ah meng!
Monday, May 12, 2008 how do i live without you . Y