Saturday, April 26, 2008
OMG OMG!!! HAHA! I feel so so much better today (: Heehee!
Finally went to borders and bought Anberlin! Heehee, took a really long time deciding if I should buy Anberlin or the notebooks.. and ryan wasn't much of a help either..
ryan: you are asking a stupid question.. you can always buy both
me: i'm not rich like someone
ryan: oh ya! i forgot, sorry (: and thanks for the compliment.
WTF? Yes ryan, I'm complimenting you.. WHEE... shut up. (:
After shopping, came back home to watch the Newport Harbour Weekend Marathon! (: Heehee!!! I swear, Clay is super hot hot hot (: Heehee, too bad he's with chrissy (: But it's ok (: I have Keith. Hee! Seriously, Ryan and Edwin are super odd. when we were alll sitting watching Newport Harbour, both of them went..
win: can you imagine anberlin and three days grace having concert in Singapore?
ryan: that would be just so damn awesome!
me: you guys are so random.. what does three days grace & anberlin got to do with Newport harbour?
win: everything?
me: no it doesn't
win: yes it does.
YC: and you all just shut up and watch?
ryan: wait wait! one more question! what is newpoprt harbour?
edison: omg, ryan you are seriously the stereotyped rich kid
ryan: what?
edison: in simple forms for you to understand; stupid & no common sense
ryan: ohh... ... NO!
Seriously, Ryan is so odd (: And now everyone knows why! HAHA! After the weekend marathon, there was nothing to do. So we all listened to Anberlin! HAHA! Guess what! The CD is ORANGE! WHOOO!!! ANBERLIN ROCKS! HAHA! so cool right! An orange CD! They seriously rock (: HEE! I am suppose to study now, but I dont have the mood to study now so I am gonna study later, because I dont want to study alone, Ryan & YC going home to get their books and we are going to meet either at my house or win's house. Hope we meet at my house, because I dont like sneaking out.. actually I like to sneak out, but not to study. I sneak out to have fun, never to study ! (: HAHA! so cool.. very cool!
This statement is so true!

But somehow this picture contradicts what I'm saying
Saturday, April 26, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 25, 2008
OMG! This week is like so shit! I swear it is! OMG! Monday, that bloody idiotic maid threw away my box of "good luck for mid-year cards"!!! Tuesday, english mid-year. I bet I'll fail english and since I'm failing English, I'm gonna fail all the subjects too (: WHATEVER MAN! Wednesday, badminton. Seriously, every single CCA already stand down and only badminton has not? Ok, badminton is fun, training is ok, but seriously, during MYE? sigh.. Thursday, mug for chinese.. Today? TODAY! Chinese mid-year.. fail fail fail again. Seriously for paper 2, when the teacher told us to finish our last sentence, I finished till the coma, because it was only 30 secs for us to finish the sentence. Smart la! Anyway, went to marine parade library after lunch. yes, I went alone because the rest wanted to stay for math remedial. Went to library, seriously, does that person think he is? He and his friends think I that deaf meh? I think they are the ones that are deaf la?! My ears was plugged with full-blast three days grace and I could still hear them experimenting with my name. Seriously, I think they are nuts. But anyway, I don't give a damn.. I mean why should I? I dont know them, well, except for one, but yeah.. seriously, no point giving a damn about them. At badminton.. there was no shutters till like 4 something because coach called Cherhui to buy shutters (: HAHA!! Went home alone ): So so so sad.. came home, and hell what did I see?
My three days grace CD was FACED DOWN out of my radio! Seriously, if that bloody idiotic maid wants to use a CD player, to BLAST her fucking music, can't she buy one? Bloody idiot. Now my beloved CD has scratches on it. Can't wait till I scratch HER face! I'm so proud of myself for snapping at her! HAHA! Yeeah!!! HAHA.. Seriously I cannot wait for someone to help me slap her in the face. When will she stop leaving in denial that I hate her. I just told her in her bloody idiotic face that I hated her and she cannot believe it. Kept saying that i'm angrying with someone else. Yeah, in her dreams!
I Hate Everything about YouEvery time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yetEvery roommate kept awake
By every sigh and scream we make
All the feelings that I get
But I still don't miss you yetOnly when I stop to think about itI hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love youEvery time we lie awake
After every hit we take
Every feeling that I get
But I haven’t missed you yetOnly when I stop to think about itI hate everything about you
Why do I love you
I hate everything about you
Why do I love youOnly when I stop to think
About you, I know
Only when you stop to think
About me, do you knowI hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love meI hate
You hate
I hate
You love meI hate everything about you
Why do I love you Three Days Grace
Friday, April 25, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, April 19, 2008
HELLO! I feel so tired again, stupid Ryan McConrick kept giving me nightmares! I have no idea why. Probably because we were under the same roof yesterday. HAHA! Edwin, Edgar and Ryan came over to watch Tombstone Fireflies! HAHA! I watched it in class last year when my lao shi played it after the End of year exams and I watched it on the plane coming back from shanghai. I cried in class with cairyn, I cried on the plane alone, and I cried at home ): While I'm sorry to Edwin and Ryan because their sleeves are drenched with my tears (: HAHA! (: Seriously, that movie is seriously so nice! OMG! The fact that I can cry is good (: No, wait, I cry at almost every sad show. But seriously, it's a nice show.
Went for piano in the morning. WOW! Fun! I spent 2 hours 1 one song. This is what happens when someone like me has no time for piano because of all the school work, and I bet my piano is dusty because I know my maid is too lazy to clean it. Went to cut my hair after piano. Seriously, my hair needs rebonding again. My hair is back to when it was 2 years ago. Fluffy, except for the fringe. HAHA! So... my hair will be at the back till June (: When I get to rebond my hair~ (: I so wanna kill Ryan! He made me wait for 4 bloody hours because that ass went to rebond HIS hair! Ryan you are bloody vain! But you look good (: HAHA. That is probably the only compliment you're gonna get from me this life time (: HEEHEE!
I'm too lazy to blog the rest... blog tomorrow (:
Saturday, April 19, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hey! I am so so so so tired today, and yet, I still drink. God I'm an alcoholic (: Went to school today, I so wouldn't have gone if there wasn't a test ): I so so so didn't want to go to school! Had a bleedy night, woke up at 3am because stupid mosquitoes were biting me ): Sad thing is, they only bite hips down and no where above the hips. LOL! My night was ruined by that mosquito. my day, was ruined by? Me... I am so so tired. Got my E maths paper today. 28/35.. Well, at least I passed (: HAHA! (: The rest of the day was pretty much a bore. Well at least I'm talking about the lessons. The rest of the day with Bella was... Fun? Non stop laughter. HAHA! I was so bored that I started making "Good luck for Mid-years" cards. HAH! Poor Bella, she's sad that these cards are not for her. HAHA! Well, at least she got to colour some of them. (: And that made her very very very happy! HAHA!!!
Went to tampines safra after school for badminton. Carried so many damn books. Seriously, sec 3 life sucks man. So much books to mug. Hate mugging. I'm so lazy.. Wheee.... Went by bus since Weeling couldn't go, so no taxi. Took bus, with Gladys CHOOCHOO! And felicia and tasha. Badminton today was interesting? Don't know what to describe it. Bernadette, I swear, that picture you took IS super spastic. OMG! I look damn spastic, which I am! HAHA!!! Badminton stands down next week, dont feel like going for both.. I wanna mug, not because I like to mug.. but because I HAVE to mug. so sad, No more free will in this household. Cry me to sleep then. Cry cry cry... boo hoo hoo. Went home and I have to see that face! Seriously, I really hate my maid to the core! I thought that idiot said she will like leave my family like when I'm Sec 1. So like wth? What is she doing here? I'm sec 3! Get lost can? Hate you to the core@! Get that? You should know by now! The fact that I keep saying that "I would rather die than listen to you" should tell her that I hate her. If not, then, well, her lost.
I'm so bloody easily aggitated these days. Is it my problem? Obviously not! It's all because of the home I live in. Seriously, I cannot wait till I get a job and get my own house and just send money to my parents. Seriously, I really cannot stand my home anymore.
Reason 1: I want my dad home. Seriously every single reason has something to do with my maid. My dad's not home and she gets e to laze around, and she think that she can order me around? Fuck you! You're the maid, not me! Are you my boss to oreder me around? OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE! the answer is a big fat NO!
Reason 2: Seriously, this fucked up maid is really fucked up. She can actually LIE to my mum. For what? OMG! Just about something small like buying groceries? OMG! If you go and buy groceries, cant you just tell the truth? It's not like that my mum will scold her for buying grceries. Seriously this maid is so so so fucked up! She goes out, my mum calls home from office to check on her, there's no answer, when my mum comes home and asks her, she "went to the toilet". And what is so idiotic about it is she is ALWAYS "in the toilet" when there's no answer from home. Seriously someone odd to slap her face, and if I lose it, I swear I will.
Seriously my life seriously sucks now! It seriously sucks. I would definitely lose it if I didn't have Ryan and Yc around. HAHA! Edwin, you are not here because Ryan says you don't deserve to have that honour haha! But I disagree. You've been a great help too (: And 205 '07 people rock too. Especially Bella and Gladys! And seriously, I think I need wine now.
Friday, April 18, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, April 14, 2008
Oh yeah, I forgot (:
Monday, April 14, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
OMG! I seriously need wine!!! Sh*t! I'm a messed up kid! WHATEVER! I don't care! I cannot care less! WHATEVER! I hate my freaking life man!
"And now it's becoming clear, that I dont need you here and in this world around me, I'm glad you disappear... I feel so much better now that you are gone forever I tell myself that I don't miss you at all. Not lying, denying that I'm feeling so much better now that you're gone forever!"
Three Days Grace - Gone forever..
Gone forever, that's what you are.
Monday, April 14, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
OMG! Physics CA2 is tomorrow. I don't like school.
Tests, homework, exams. HAHA! Today, for chinese compo, I said that teenagers don't have a hard life, and neither do we have a easy life. OMG! I have not stand, which means I will fail. FAIL FAIL FAIL! Couldn't concentrate in calss today, since I haven't slept in 2 days, wait, better state 2 NIGHTS or the negative ions (iona) will come correct me. Bleah!
Seriously my life is so so so starting to suck. I want to seriously die. OMG! I'm so damnit tired and I cannot sleep, when the hell will I get my sleeping pills man! oh, wait, I'm getting them tomorrow so I cannot sleep tonight.. great. Just great. Thank god for Isabella the person with the smallest eyes sitting next to me or I swear I will just snap in class today. I'm damnit tired and at least sitting with her makes it easier to pull through (: She laughs too much. And small eyes' mother said that I was funny (: HAHA! I lent small eyes my social studies notes and she gave her mother to photocopy over the weekend. I left a note for her together with the notes which her mother read. It said "PS: please don't read the notes too close to your eyes. YOU think that reading it closer makes will help your eyes grow bigger but it will only make it grow SMALLER! (: Just kidding... NOT!" HAHA! And according to small eyes, she said that her mother cannot stop laughing, and her mother also said that I was very funny! HAHA!
Bella! heard that! I'm funnier than you! YAY ME! wheee... oh shit, I'm getting very cranky.
Seriously three days grace is a life saver. If there was no three days grace, I would probably die today. Three days grace gave me like "inspiration" to pull through the day. Ok, seriously I'm talking nonsense now. This is what happens if you haven't slept for 2 NIGHTS~
Monday, April 14, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, April 13, 2008
HAHA! Hey yall! Didn't sleep at all last night, I ran out of sleeping pills, forgot to buy somemore so I bet I'm not gonna sleep tonight, so Ryan's coming over later to accompany me since he's not sick too. Gonna watch The Omen and Rush Hour 3 and Raise Your Voice (: HAHA! I guess it's something he can do since he can't go to school tomorrow.
Went to church in the morning, alone because Nisha is also sick, watched a movie during class about the Pope (: HAHA! didn't finish the whole movie so we will continue next week (: In church, listened to three days grace. I feel so unholy, but I was so damn tired and I couldn't sleep in church because I have no sleeping pills and I cannot sleep. Met daddy and mummy and had lunch at old airport road and then headed to raffles city where again my beloved daddy spent money on me. HAHA! My daddy bought himself 2 pairs of shoes and bought me 3 shirts, 1 skirt and 4 pairs of shoes! HAhA! OMG! HAHA! Dont you just love my daddy? HAHA i know I do, saw samantha at Raffles City (: heehee (:
Went home after the shopping spree and watched tv (: and started sewing again (: haha, i'm lame i know. Nothing to do mah! Did homework then stopped cause I didn't feel like doing it anymore, so I'm watching death note 2 now with Ryan, that idiot cannot stop talking during the show. Oh well, my fault for asking him to be my movie marathon partner. Poor me. I still like have somemore things to blog, but my no mood to blog.. so I shall watch my death note now (: Byebye
Stefanie (:
Sunday, April 13, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Oh my mama! Stefanie's getting bored, Ryan's getting bored, that Ed is sleepping cause he's sick too (bet I passed it to him), YC's at the movies, Edison's playing wii.. maybe I should play wii too. Oh wait, i can't cause my mum said no wii till June. I'm so screwed, but I think my dad will allow. Forget it, I bored, very bored.
Three Days Grace rocks, more than you. I talking crap.. LALALA! OMG! I'm going crazy..
Going to church tomorrow, I feel so unholy not going to church last week. Oh well, I feel unholy and yet I dont feel guilty, sh*t. I'm so full of crapped up emotions. HAHA, no more Barcady in the house, can't open any wine.. and I don't drink beer.. and there is no 7-up. Not a very fun saturday night isn't it. Was talking to Gladys about our phone bills.. mine is screwed, hers is also screwed for messaging small eyes. HAHA! Mine screwed from messaging Keith and Ryan, and I bet I'll start messaging small eyes and YC . Screw me, Ryan can never get in trouble with his bill i guess, seeing how he splurges his money reminds me of how we use toilet paper. He keeps buying CDs, which I do too.. He buys CDs, shirts that I dont see him wearing, guitars.. OMG!~ His guitar collection.. is like WHOO!! He has 6 guitars, not including the one I gave him, and not including the one his parents gave him for his birthday and the one his Rachalle gave him for graduation. OMG! He has 9 guitars! OMG! Rich kid.. And omg, my mother's like stressing me to like think of what I wanna be when I grow up. She wants me to be a doctor. Which I so so SO cannot be cause I think I would kill a person instead of curing him.
I think I wanna be a... ROCKSTAR! Hahaha, wait, NO. WAIT! YES! Big bucks just flows right into your pocket like a waterfall into the river!!! And forming a plunge pool!!! Ok, I think I need to stop before I recap the whole of the geography textbook from rivers to coasts to volcanoes (: ERUPT ERUPT ERUPT! Stefanie's crazy! Stefanie's gonna be a ROCKSTAR!
Saturday, April 12, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
I feel so so so so so happy! OMG! not because I'm still coughing and my darling is still having fever, but because I spent so much on CDs and my daddy actually said not bad! OMG! Though my mum scolded my dad for letting me off, he didn't mind (: HAHA! Even better, he paid me for MY CDs!!!
Omg i love my dad so much! Too bad his going back to Shanghai on Tuesday and I'll only get to see him in June.. Well, at least I've bought enough CDs to last me till then.
Went to piano in the morning in the heavy heavy rain which unfortunately damaged my umbrella, it's either the rain's too heavy or my umbrella's too lousy. I bet it's the umbrella's fault (: Anyways, Miss Alice was wearing grey and so was I and so was the student before me. HAHA! Grey-day, even the clouds were grey! Yay for us I guess. She was coughing and so was I! Isn't that lovely? I couldn't play an entire song properly for the first 30 minutes, I was coughing non-stop and I didn't bring water with me so Miss Alice made me go to 7-eleven to buy 2 bottles. 1 for her too. (: I swear, she's the cutest teacher ever. HAHA! Went to eat laksa with Ryan's parent's and my parents, I think I was the only idiot not eating laksa.. missed eating rice too much I guess. Went to parkway after lunch with my daddy mummy and Ryan's daddy mummy. The adults went to drink coffee while the teenagers went to drink their favourite beverage! HAHA! I love it went I'm with Ryan! HAHA! Cause that idiot's old enough to buy me Barcady! HAHA! bought 3 bottles, 1 for YC, met up with him at Macs and
headed for Borders where I spent $189.40 after 25% discount, or at least I think it's 25. I left so so.. not thrifty! HAHA!
1. Three Days Grace
2. Another Three Days Grace Album
3. Led Zeppelin
4. James Blunt
5. Slipknot
6. Elton John
7. Incubus
8. Simple Plan
9. Garbage
10. Eagles
11. Thrice
I feel so so so HAPPY man! OMG! I forgot to buy Anberlin though and Keane though. OMG! Haha, nevermind, I'll buy them next week (: HAHA! Ryan bought me August Rush Movie Soundtracks!
I LOVE YOU MY SEXXAAASSSSY BITCH! The movie August Rush rocks to the core man! About this orphan making music to find his parents, and boy, the music in that movie rocks! The songs, the piano, the guitar, the cello! OMG! I swear man! I rocks to the core. YC bought Maroon 5 & Adele & Duffy. Heehee. Haven't seen YC for a long long time, he grew taller, shit, he's taller than Ryan, so now I'm extremely short in his eyes.. oh, he looks so so charcoal now! HAHA, all that dragon boating.. HAHA! Really thankful to the inventors of Badminton for not making it under the sun (: HAHA!
Keith keith keith, my darling, how did you get sick? Hearing you suffer makes me so so sad ): Want to make your favourite soup also cannot cause your mum dont let you go out. How? Miss you so so much, cannot wait for both of us to get better so that we can go out.. without Elva (: HAHA! Oh! sorry Elva, can't go to the movies with you today, late notcies never works with my mum. Sorry (:
Saturday, April 12, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
I finally finished editing my blog link and blogskin! SO sleepy... gosh it's saturday morning! I have piano today! Crap, didnt practice piano this whole week, I screwed. Whatever... Shld sleep, but idiotic Ryan's not letting me sleep. Ryan, what makes you think that you are my bestfriend. Keeping dreaming, that day will never come. HAHA! Slept at 8pm and woke up 2am to study for bio test on Friday. And my daddy came back from Shanghai again! REJOICE FOR MY DADDY IS HOME AGAIN! He came back about 3am so I had supper with him and mummy. A supper of hot chocolate milk tea and cookies baked by me! Whee... Whoo... The biology CA was so crap. Staring at the first question and I was thinking "what does a balloon and pin got to do with enzymes? OH SH*T!" Yeah! Don't think I'll fail, but don't think I'll score that high either. Have to bark up this CA or I'm good as dead. So wanna just throw my hands in the air and give up, throw my hands in the air.. AND WAVE THEM LIKE I JUST DON'T CARE! Starting to dislike school a lot.. that's because STEFANIE LAU is LAZY! Haha!
Badminton training at safra was only 2 hours today. Not long enough. Weeling got to play because coach thng wasn't there. HAHA! That's the ONLY time Weeling (: Hee! Got bullied my Lizhen. She thinks I'm her teddy bear, anyhow bully bully bully! HAHA!!!! The bus ride home was like OMG! Gladys abandoned me on the bus so early!!!! I was so alone and lost, NOT! HAHA! At least Ryan and Edwin and Edison accompanied me on the phone or I'll just die. I think my Mp3 needs more songs, I'm so tired of listening to all the songs in my Mp3 and my crappy Mp3's radio function is so so so bad! ARGH!!!
I'm still sick, cry. My darling is sick too.. but he's recovering and so am I. Aloysius is sick so he cannot go cycling. Read Elva's blog and she's sick too. Read Elva's blog and Bjorn's sick too! Tis the season to get sick ):
Saturday, April 12, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 11, 2008

Three Days Grace rocks man!

So does Sherwood (:

And so do I!

Acting emo... WHOO...

Look retard! Yes, you! You are looking
at another retard!

I don't think you know her

Say Hello (:

My tongue ain't that long Ryan!

classic man!

Sweet, you don't find this in Shanghai anymore.
Well, only in the museum...

I own this car, in a few years...
make that in a lot of years

The bus driver is your boyfriend!

yeah, that's the car you see me riding in (:
I think I grew taller when I was in Shanghai
Extra Extra! Yeah you, you're so extra!
So lovey dovey...

The ball for dolls

That's me! Hi mum!

Yeah that's whipped cream..
on my drink and soon on your face

Nothing's coming out!
Physics is not applied here!

Jealous, both are not yours!

Guess which is my daddy? HAHA!
you are right if you said he's the one on top

My mum looks cute?

CocaCola! wheee....

I don't know what you're looking at

I love her, she loves chocolate

I love her too!

My little girl (:

I love her too! Liselotte rocks man!
Friday, April 11, 2008 how do i live without you . Y