Sunday, January 27, 2008
HAHA! Hey, yesterday was so much fun. NOT! It's was like so hot yesterday! Burning to death wearing black tee and jeans, so hot ): HAHA, bought my silver shoes yesterday. Not really silver. More like brown and silver. Abit of heel too (: HAHA, Keith was accusing me of trying to be taller than him. But I think that even if I wear HIGH heels, he will still be taller than me. (: Watched TV, didn't do homework, played shooting ducks HAHA! Nintendo Wii rocks la. HAHA! Watched TV till 3am, surprisingly Keith was sleeping. Haha. I've being HAHA-ing too much. Nevermind.
Went to church today, was so guilty of talking during Joe's class. Sorry (: Went to church with Nisha, Gladys Choo is so so weird! Keep saying I jealous of her because she at parkway and I'm in church. But honestly, parkway is SO boring. But who cares, I have Nisha next to me, I'm not bored. HAHA! Went to buy skinnies after church. Bought another black skinnies and 2 pairs of shoes (: My daddy's so jealous (: HAHA! Napped for like 2 hours after reaching home, felt so sick ): still feeling sick ): Wanna talk to Keith but think he's still sleeping. ): Don't wanna go to school, feeling very very sick la. Sigh, needa finish homework too ): Don't wanna go to school tomorrow, feeling so so sick ): but if don't go, it's so obvious that I won't catch up. OMG, feeling so sick and Kelvin's mocking me. Kick you then you know.
Sunday, January 27, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, January 26, 2008
HAHA! Yesterday was so so so much fun! HAHA! Ice cream chefs! HAHA! Waited for Keith to go eat ice cream. He got a bit lost (: But can't blame him, he's not familiar with this place mah. It was so so hot on the way there. Saw Remus at ice cream chefs. He gave that look again. That "I'm gonna kick you" look. But honestly, i dont care (: HAHA. Went to ice cream chefs with Gladys, Cairyn, Jingyi, Aishah, Chenfang, Belle, Qingyu! And of course Keith (: Stood at a corner talking to Keith & eating ice cream. HAHA! This conversation was so funny!
KEITH: I'm so tall.
STEFANIE: I'm tall when I jump
KEITH: you jump la, i see if I can jump as high.
STEFANIE: ahh...
KEITH: haha, you mean that you feel tall when you jump together like your badminton racket? oh... i understand :D
HAHA! Went to tampines for training. I would definitely have went to Marine Parade CC if she did not ask me where badminton was. HAHA, Keith was at the arcade during badminton. So poor thing, as in 1 1/2 hours just playing arcade on his own till 6pm is so boring. ): He went to his school after that while I went home (: Didn't eat dinner with the Choo choo train because my maid siad no. So evil! HAHA! But cannot blame her. Played Wii Nintendo Hot Wheels! HAHAHA! Feels very kiddy but I dont care! LALALA! HAHA! So smart right? Very! Slept as soon as I finished piano homework, and of course it was imcomplete, I'm like so super lazy la! HAHA!
Missing Keith a lot ):
Saturday, January 26, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
So so bored. Finally done clearing my blog. Sigh sigh, 189 posts! So tired, but don't feel like sleeping. So much fun talking to Keith & Kelvin. Kelvin's flooding my tagboard with so so so so so so much nonsense, unlike me, who only speak words that makes sense, not nonsense. HAHA! I know, check my emails! I like have emails from 2006 that I have not cleared. I'm like so so hopeless. HAHA! Stefanie so lazy, tsk tsk. HAHA!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
I'm so bored. Gladys is doing a very lousy job at entertaining me. Kelvin too. Talking to Keith on the phone, SMS-ing. I had to pay my daddy $3.30 because December's phone bill exceeded. I bet January's bill will be worst! HAHA! But I don't mind. My phone is very very very very very very important. I use it to socialise. HAHA! Ok, I'm so so so bad at entertaining myself. I know you can tell. HAHA! Miss Elva's chalet all of the sudden. Probably because I saw Keith there. One of the longest time we were together (:
I still cannot believe I shrank 3 cm! Keith, dont laugh. ): Bryan, I'm still older than you ok! So what if you're 160cm at sec 1, I'm sec 3 which means, MUAHAHA! I'm older! HAHA! Whatev.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Can't believe I slept at the table for the whole night. Had stiff neck in the morning, real stiff. But I still went to school. I'm such a good mummy's girl. Oops, mummy's girl is taken by Bella so I'm daddy's girl. I had a stiff neck while Keith vomited in school. Poor thing. I still can't believe the fact that I shrank by 3 cm! It's either I really shrank or the measurements are wrong, and it's obvious which option is true & which option is what I was really hoping for :D
Chinese class was so much fun! The teacher was so so cute. Chinese spelling, not sure if I aced it but I think I'll live. Have to hand in Lit homework. I'm so so gonna lose sleep over my homework. Reason 1, I do my work way too slow. Reason 2, too much homework. Reason 3, the phone's always next to me. But honestly, I feel that we should have less homework. I'm so not used to the more homework - less time to do Sec 3 life. I still love less homework - more time sec 2 life. HAHA! I'm so lazy, even Keith says so. What a good person he is, NOT! Hahaha! English- I cannot click with the subject, it so hates me! But I think I hate it more (:
Went for badminton too. Sigh, so tired & my neck so painful ): MORE NO SLEEPING AT THE TABLE! I just really am very happy I didn't drool on my E math homework while sleeping ):
And gosh, am I starting to like ...! She's gonna kill me, actually not really, she'll be very KPO! "Why ah? You & him? My cousins ah! How did it start ah?" HAHA! Like mummy, like girly! HAHA!

I love this blouse so much! My mummy says cannot buy. Daddy says nice, KEITH says it's nice! Kelvin says nice too! But my mummy says NO. Mummy!!! Nevermind, KELVIN! I know you like to spent money! HAHA! Pleasee? HAHA! Just kidding (: But I think that face looks so so so odd & disfigured. But nevermind, the weirder, the more like me! HAHA!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, January 14, 2008
HELL O!!! HAHA! Today's school was...! Very tired, not sleeping enough. This Bella is so craazy la! But isn't that the reason we all love her (: HAHA!
English, Biology, Math, SIGH! My brain's gonna melt, think I'm like the slowest person in class. Can't really focus in class if I'm that tired.
Finally gave out all the christmas presents with me. HAHA! Finally this santa claus can rest (: HAHA! Spent the whole day messaging and doing homewrok & notes ): SO SO SAD right? HAHA! I needa claim loads of money from my daddy & mummy man! HAHA! I'm like so damn broke. Keith was like "Don't know what to eat, don't want to eat la..." "I think of something to eat then I go eat""I damn bored, watching NGC" HAHA! Damn funny la!
Monday, January 14, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I'm gonna miss TRYBE people! Especially Jasmine, Kai & Steven Junior. Or is it Steve Junior. Missing Beauty world too! HAHA! Beauty world chachacha!!! Saw Aunty Irene & Kym at Beauty world. HAHA! Cool! Beauty world cha cha cha!!! Both of their reaction was "WHAT YOU DOING HERE!!!" HAHA! I wanna watch again! HAHA! Love it!
Anyways, so much fun talking to Kai la! So weird, he and his female t-shirt, he and his baby emo look, and steve junior and his dance!!! HAHA! And Jasmine cheated grace and my feelings.
Ryan, please give me a break, you really need to loosen up man, stop stressing me out all the time.
And... talking to Keith, Elva & Bryan. HAHA! Damn fun la! Cat fight, and Keith is like so damn funny la. "I'm your next door neighbour" LIAR! But honestly, Bjorn really likes to watch "cat fights" between Elva & I, haha. BJORN I'M SO GONNA KEEP YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR MYSELF!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Hey hey!!! Today is the first day of school! HAHA!!! Had to be in school at 6.45am. It's early but no chioce ): So woke up at 5.25am ): But tomorrow don't have to be in school that early!!! Anyways, I'm suppose to like be in-charge of class 207. With another girl but she didn't come so... I did alone. Sigh sigh sigh... HAHA, but I dont really mind (: I'm such a nice person, NOT! Got into the classroom after recess. I'm sitting with my buttock (: And not too far away is my maggot. HAHA! And when is the school bookshop gonna have the literature book??? I need my mocking bird book!!! I'm so gonna be dead if there really is a essay on the book ): Poor me..
Anyways, I'm so in love with Michael Buble now!!! HAHA! I so love moondance!! The song you hear!!! HAHA!!! So so in love with it!!! I bet you love it too!!! HAHA! But Jesse McCartney's still the best man!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
HAHA!!! Hey! School starts tomorrow. Dont want to go back to school again. Why must school start tomorrow? Why cant New Year's day be on a Friday so school would start on a monday instead of tomorrow??? SIGH! Not in the studying mood yet ):
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 how do i live without you . Y
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008!!!!Wishing all of you a very prosperous new year!!! HAHA! Celebrating with my daddy & mummy with wine!!! HAHA! I'm like mixing root beer & sprite & wine together!!! HAHA! With chocolates too!!! God I'm like so so high la!!! HAHA! Happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, January 01, 2008 how do i live without you . Y