Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I'm like so bored!!! I'm like listening to Jamie Cullum's album... He's just one sexy jazz artist! (: I'm so bored! ARGH! RYAN! YOU ENTERTAIN ME NOW! haha?! -__-" It's now 12.53am. Having badminton later at 9am ): My neck hurts, my upper arm still hurts, and I seriously hate my toe nails, I seriously cannot walk properly. ): Let's cry for me! Boo HOO HOO! Ryan you're... do you know that? Of course you do! since when does everyone love you? And Marcus has every right to hate you since you used MY phone to message crap to him! I was pissed reading those messages when he showed it to me! And he said something about you thanking him? And for what may I ask? You may be my bestfriend but you may be just so dumb sometimes that I wonder if you even have grey matter up there! HAHA! But seriously, stop using my phone to message Marcus, he'll be pissed that you message crap & waste his time, and I'LL BE VERY pissed because it's MY phone bill you're wasting. -__-" I'm rotting!!! GOD i'm rotting. Still have to pack for councilor camp... ARGH!!! Man I need to hire an assistant! DANG!~ Still got homework, and anyone wants to volunteer their homework to me?
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
It's my mummy dearest's birthday!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hey hey... it WAS such a boring day today... until I went shopping! HAHA! But I'm so pathetic please! I went shopping for beads. Hmmm, I finally realised how fun it is to MAKE something! HAHA! Besides, it is more meaningful to make a present than to buy one (: HAHA! So it's all for a good course. Bought the beads to make my mummy dearest's birthday present. Just hope she likes it. She has every every high expectations, well... of me! (: HAHA! Well, spent like don't know how much. Really have to start working again. ): Well, working in the office is one easy way to earn MONEY!!! I need to make money money!!! Make money money!! HAHA!!! And I really need to remember to ask coach how much is Gladys' christmas present... It keeps slipping my mind! ARGHH!!!
Gladys: you better come for training because how can we be sure that a size 6 is the perfect fit (: HAHA!Ryan: you should stop wasting money on YC!!! But i can't blame you can I? It's not my problem that you bet with YC that I would spend less than $10 today! I gonna be broke soon! So stop wasting money on YC and give me the money! MUAHAHAHA!YC: you are so very smart man!Marco: nice hair!Marcus: stop sending me gross-out emails! it may not be gross to you, but that burnt hand is seriously very damn creepy.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Do you know what? I just realised that's the guitar my parents used to measure me when I was a baby! Believe it anot but that guitar's 14 years old! WOW! Too bad I kicked it. I'm so in big trouble... my dad's so nice to at least forgive me.. for now
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, November 19, 2007
Went to badminton in the morning... -.-" my arm hurt like hell! so obviously didn't play properly today. Forgot to ask coach about Gladys' christmas present... Weeling & I keep forgeting, sorry Gladys. At least we know what shoe size to buy right? HAHA! Went home after training & basically just rot. Found the freakin' needle in my room! I really wonder how it ended up in the room when the cloth & thread is in the living room! I really screwed myself! I can actually kick my dad's guitar! ARGHH!!!
Celebrated mummy dearest's birthday today although her birthday's on Wednesday. Daddy dearest not at home to cut the cake so we cut the cake today lor (: HAHA! Smart right? OF COURSE! Watched House on AXN! Damn that show is good!
Monday, November 19, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Hey hey!!! Woke up late today, so didn't meet John in church. But i still went to church & met up with Daryl, Joshua & my darling husband Sara (: HAHA! But I'm still straight ok! Very straight (: HAHA! Anyways, went home after church, ate lunch, sewed abit, napped a bit, went to parkway for awhile... saw chloeee & luxuan @ the bus stop, saw Jasmine @ Isetan, saw Shehnam (i think this is how it's spelt) in bus 197. Went parkway to buy track pants. ): Bought shorts too!!! (: Wasn't allowed to buy FBT shirt ): So so sad... ): Anyways, came home. Showered then "cleared" my room, a bit.... then went out to Sinma Frog Porridge for Mummy's birthday celebration. Ahh... growing fatter this holiday! ): So sad. Correction! Becoming obese! HAHA! Because I'm already fat! BLEAH! Came home, wanting to sew, guess what! I lost the needle! Thank god it's not a sharp needle! If not I'll be in bigger trouble! My dad already calls me irresponsible! BLEAH!
Accidentally kicked my dad's guitar when finding the needle... I'm so screwed! Damn me! *sigh sigh sigh* I'm so so screwed!!! ARGHHH!!!!
By the way Aishah, I don't owe you a guitar!Graceee, titanic is not boring! It's a classic! It's such a beautiful show! You ain't know how to appreciate good movies! TSK!DIANE!!! You are so BLEAH!!! (: Say thank you to me DIANE!
Sunday, November 18, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, November 17, 2007
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! i know i'm weird for starting the post like this! But if you have a problem with me being this way then... I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOU!!!! haha... i really don't know what I'm saying! (: Heehee!
Yesterday, Friday: Went for badminton -.-" Then went home & rot... Had to do house chores, AGAIN! I just don't understand why I have to do more work than her! Haha fine whatever~~~
Put up the Christmas tree!!! Hahaha!!! it was damnit fun! Especially when I put it up with YC & Ryan!!! Gosh it's funn!!!
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, you look so pretty because you were put up by me!!! (: HAHA! Don't wanna include Ryan and YC in it (: HAHAHA!!! Muahahaha!!! This year's theme for my nicee home is Gold & Red!!! Nicee theme right? I choose one (: HAHA! Because no one in my house wanted to help me choose, and I don't have a single sibling so I'm the decision maker! I'm such an important person in my house! (: HAHA! Cannot wait to decorate the Bristol Tree!!! it's a white tree!!! Bought by our very lovely MRT, haha Mr. Te!!! How nice, if only our christmas presents are not singing solos... HA!!! I suck as a president don't you think? Singing those solos are so much hard work
TODAY: Piano @ 12.00pm, lunch with daddy dearest, and apparently aishah think my dad is cutee, baby cutee... Then went to peninsular shopping centre & funan with my folks... It's a pity that I only bought snacks... ): Bleah... rotting at home now. Got youth group meeting in church @ 9am with john... Marcus never answer his phone or my messages so I'm going alone ): Poor me... Please cry for me (: HAHA!
Saturday, November 17, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, November 15, 2007
HAHAHA!!! Hey hey hey!!! Went to Nicole's house to give her a surprise her a surprise birthday party (: HAHA! Got of the bus to see Nicole there! (: HAHA! So I HAD to lie to her saying that I'm meeting Ryan at Grandlink (: HAHA! She was going to parkway to meet Grace, Phoebe & Diane who stalled time for us to decorate the place (: HAHA!!! The balloons bought by Diane is so bleah! So when Aishah & I went to buy food with Jingyi & Angie, Aishah & I went to Grandlink, then City Plaza, then Tanjong Katong Complex just to buy "good quality" balloons which obviously was not what Diane bought because almost all of
that burst! Bleah Diane!!!
HAHAHA! Decorated the place when we came back together with all the KC 205 people & Kong Hwa 6/2 people! (: HAHAH! Surprised nicole (: HAHA! She so cuteee! (:
Nicole, "I luurbb euuu worxxx!!!" HAHAHA! After that, we ate food & cake! And then the fun begins (: We p------ c----- xxx & yyy & zzz!(: But only 2 were so much fun (: HAHAHA! It's like so funny la!!! YYY deserved it!
Revenge is so superb-ly sweet!!! HAHAH!!! I'm mean! But aafter what trouble he got me into, i think that evens up everything(: The party poppers were, haha, scary yeah fun (: All the string-y stuff ended, haha, PLACED on the Kong Hwa people's hair (: HAHAHA! We are so so sweet (:
HAHA! Went home... showered, started sewing (: I don't know why but sewing is like so SO FUN!!! (: HAHAHA! Watched the second part of Titanic!!! OMG!!! It's so so nice! I cried (: Well, I always cry when I watch this type of tragic movies ): Well, I'm soft-hearted! What are you gonna do about it? Kick me? I dare you to! HAHA! (:
Thursday, November 15, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Hey hey!!! I'm like so so tired. Badminton in the morning... played doubles with 2 very very tall boys: 1 from chung cheng, 1 from mayflower.
So tall! And they smack damn hard la!!!
SO scary! I was like so scared when I stand in front at the net. Well, this phobia started when playing half court doubles with Coach Hai Siang & Gladys, with Weeling. Hai Siang smack on me like so many many times already! And this Weeling can actually stand behind me & smack my head! SO that's how my phobia started (: But I got my revenge on Weeling when we played doubles with Gladys & 1 mayflower primary boy... (: Hit her on the head too (: HAHAH! Sorry (:
Going to somewhere tomorrow. For something. It's a surprise for someone (: AT someone's house (: But that someone doesn't know a thing (: HAHAH! I'm crazy I know. Just have to wait & see (: HAHA!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, November 05, 2007
Today's the
5th of November!!! And according to ME, it's my birthday!!! (: HAHA! ... So...
Happy Birthday to me!!!Happy Birthday to me!!!Happy Birthday to STEFANIE!!!Happy Birthday to ME!!!Didn't go for badminton because my dad said "what's the point of going if it's a day of celebration? Unless you wanna go..." Which was so obvious I did'nt want to (: So I went to watch The Seek: The Dark is raising!!! HAHA! It's a good movie!!! Jingyi, I know you want to watch it so GO & WATCH! haha!!! (: Ate my 3rd birthday cake This time it's nicer, plain light cheese cake HAHA! Not that filling (: HAHA! I'm like all of the sudden very tired to blog the whole thing la. (: Very the lazy (:
Monday, November 05, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, November 04, 2007
HAHA!! Hey hey!!!
Went to church today, met Marcus at the 7-eleven bus stop, he dyed his hair!!! HAHA! And he wore a bright colour today... orange! HAHA... thank god i didn't wear orange (: HAHA! Went to church @ 8.45am and no sight of John, so we waited & waited & waited till mass start lor... ): HAHA!!! My folks came to church for 10.30am mass, haha! Didn't expect them there for the 10.30 am mass!! HAHA! Met Aloysius who gave a very cute chickenn for my birthday!!! (:
THANKS ALOYSIUS!!! you are so so so nice!!! (: I should treat you to wine next time (: HAHA! Half sleeping in church, half laughing in church (: HAHA!
In church, this Daryl & Marcus with their "wonderful" singing, Daryl with his
302 church manners... which apparently keeps adding & adding & adding... HAHA! And me & Nisha dear cam whoring (: HAHA!
Went out at night to eat steam boat for my birthday (: HAHA! Damn fun (: HAHA!!! Came home feeling damn full!!! (: HAHA!!!
Marcus thinks he's small

Don't spoil the palyground the kids love!

Marcus' trying to mingle with the little kids!!!

OK! that kid in the car is just damnit cute!!! HAHA!

Joshua, Marcus & Daryl

Since when did Nisha become so fair?

I can't see church manners boy!!! (:

GOSH! Marcus is actually looking at the cam! HAHA!

Nisha darling

Nerissa day dreaming...

OHH!! HAHA! Candid!!!

Daryl's carrying a handbag!!! LOL!
Look at how shooked Marcus is! (:

Daryl hijacked my handbag!!!!
Nice shot of me & Nisha

Spastical reaction to the words "fun shot" (:
Sunday, November 04, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Hey hey! Thank you to all the people that came today! Thanks for making it so fun! (: And thanks for a the presents (: HAHA!
HAHA! Percy pig was the first one to come (: She came even before I did (: HAHA! After her was Keziah & Iris, then Blackie Locks, Jia Hua, Jingyi, Angie & Gladys! HAHA then Grace & lastly Phoebe. Veronica came later (: Ate buffet till I could explode! Damnit full (: Today's buffet had ice cream!!! (: HAHAH! Strawberry & chocolate!!! HAHA! YEAH! (: After the buffet, we went to the arcade for awhile! HAHA! FUN FUN FUN! Then went to the bowling alley! (: HAHA! Full of fun & laughter. Poor Jia Hua, only scored 9 in the whole game ): HAHA! Even the people behind the bowling alley counter were also laughing, and my mum said they were betting either Jia Hua would stay 0 pins or at least knocked down 1 pin. SO MEAN LA! HAHA! Then had cake at the bowling alley. Well, it's fun & embarrassing! HAHA! After that was swimming!!! HEEHEE!!! HAHA Veronica came when we were swimming so she came in and joined in the fun (: Stuupid Percy pig & Iris & Keziah left so early ): Cannot give them a big wet hug (: HAHA! Couldn't give Gladys one too so I gave Phoebe one after she showered (: We took the best picture ever! 5 of us "pee-ing"!!! (: Me, blackie locks, Jia Hua, Jingyi & Angie (: HAHA!!! LOL! And then we aimed the "pee" at blackie locks! HAHA! Who apparently just stood still! HAHA!
Phoebe left her wallet in the bowlling alley ! HAHA! it contained $80! Crazy girl! She should just became a primary school kid who attaches her wallet to her pocket with that colourful plastic string (: HAHAHA!

Saturday, November 03, 2007 how do i live without you . Y