Wednesday, October 31, 2007
By the way! I almost forgot!!!!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!Couldn't go Vivo with Qing yu they all because of church! HAHA! Hope they had fun walking down Vivo in their costumes (:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Hello!!! HAHA!
MONDAY: ECP!!! Haha! The very cute people celebrated my birthday for me!!! How sweet!!! (: Awww... of course they are. Let's see who I have to thank. Cairyn, Gladys, Iris, Keziah, Sarah, Perceyner, Phoebe, Jia Hua, Angie, Jingyi & Grace! HAHA! Love ya! And not to forget Sarah's parents who brought for us sandwiches (: HAHA! I was the first one to reach the Tao Nan bus stop. Seeing KCP in that pile of rocks X( ...
After reaching ECP... first thing to do was CUT THE CAKE!!! :D HAHA! WHEE!!!
Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!!! Happy birthday to me!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Hahaha!!! Birthday you people should know my brithday on the 5th right? HAHA!
Bowling with these people damn fun la! Especially Jingyi! LOL! She was like 30? In the first round... ? She got 93 or 96 in the second round. She must be into black magic or something. HAHA! She must be thinking of ahem... (: At Macs, saw Aloysius... HAHA! Saw him when cycling too!!! HAHA!!! I'm daamnn scared of bikes & Aloysius and actually still ride in the same lane as me!!! Thank the good Lord that I didn't "langa" into him (: HAHA! Nerissa said she saw me but she didn't say hi! Isn't she "nice" or what?

I look so blur... (:
Wednesday, October 31, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, October 28, 2007
sorry never post for very long (:
currently listening to I don't to miss a thing by Aerosmith (:
last day of school... ): of course we cried! Isn't that expected? HAHA! well, yeah! i came out class like a red light bulb (:
red glowing light bulb! haha! cool la! (: took a lot of pictures, but cannot post until i set the password... don't know how ): I'm dumb in this type of things (: HAHA... well, after school was councilor board meeting. And gosh! have to sacrifice... sacrifice a lot of things! How to live? HAHA...
piano teacher late (: haha! me too! but she later than me so IT'S OK! haha... have house warming party @ my house... little children came to my house!!! (: HAHA! celebrate my birthday & my gramp's birthday too! He's cake was apple crumble & mine's a banana cake ): haha! NEVERMIND! I'm gonna get awfully chocolate (: HAHA! And tiramisu too!!! (: HAHA! drank red wine, white wine (: HAHA! drunk la last night, didn't know what I was replying Marcus on the phone (: he said I was damn high (: And this stupid Ryan... Pissed with you la! So is Marcus! And I bet Catherine is pissed too!
SUNDAY:late for prayer session with the youth group... at least I'm not the only one late (: Marcus also late! HA! Went to church with Nisha, Daryl, Charlene, Charlotte, Marcus. Nerissa came into church... not more than five minutes & she walked out! ? Something clashed with church! HAHA! (: She damn cute can? LOL!
After church, well, came home and rot all the way till I went to SI radio lor (: HAHA!
Sunday, October 28, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Hey hey!!!
Today, it's a partially EMO day! (: but i bet I'll cry a lot tomorrow... then got counsilor meeting thing-y after school so cannot go out ): How sad... Let's all cry ):
Can you imagine???
Just at the thought of all of us two-fivers separating... It's such a sad thing to think about!!! I gonna cry like hell tomorrow! But aren't we all???
I love 2/5 so much! I don't want to part with you people! I love all of you! Every single TWO-FIVER! *sigh**sigh*
Thursday, October 25, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
today is officially 205's EMO DAY! well, to the people who didn't come today, you really missed out on the fun! (: THE MAIN FUN: crying as a class (: Well, the song linger really made us cry... Isn't that just so cute??? HAHAHA!
Hmmm, I want linger.
Hmmm, a little longer.
Hmmm, a little longer here with you...
Hmmm, it's such a perfect night.
Hmmm, it doesn't seem quite right.
Hmmm, that this should be my last with you...
Hmmm, and come September,
Hmmm, I will remember
Hmmm, our camping days & friendships true...
Hmmm, and as the years go by
Hmmm, I'll think of you & sigh
Hmmm, this is goodnight & not goodbye.
People! YOU PEOPLE! You must come on Friday! Must cry together (: Can see me cry like hell... I cried pretty bad today, imagine Friday (:
Wednesday, October 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, October 22, 2007
Hey hey...
I'm damn suay can??? Forgot that report books are coming back only on 2 November so not enough time to see my results and book birthday at Raffles Town Club. Should have just gone out with the stomach ache... then that little YC1 won't be angry with me... ): Stupid little boy didn't get my message. My phone seriously lagging la! WHATEVER!!!
Hahaha! In class, playing concentration... Poor little Jingyi... Sabo her lilke mad!!! (: so damn red after that!!!
"I don't want to be a chicken, I don't want to be a duck, so I shake my butt!!!" HAHA!!! (: Damn cute la! (:
Monday, October 22, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Hey hey!!!
Finally gonna post camp pictures!!! Damn tired still! Can't believe we still have to go to school tomorrow! SUCKS la!
Hope they will return the report book tomorrow! Then I'll know if my parents will give me a RTC birthday or a Void Deck birthday! (: HAHA!
Enjoy the pictures!

Mehmeh with Norris & Stanley

YC2!!! Cairyn's gonna hate me

Group 9

Group 9


Meh meh!!!

Camp instructors!

YC2!!! Hahaha!


Group 9

Chenfang godchild!!

Wayne & Melvin


YC2!!! hahaha!

Phoebe you can't hide!
Grace looks so angry at you Phoebe!!!
you die!!!

Percy pig!!!

Phoebe phoebe phoebe...

See that red bag? that's my barang! (:

Grace looks so serious!

Jingyi & Jia Hua!!!

we cannot stand the lee!!! (:
HAHA! buffman!!! (:

Buffman acting bollywood!!!


Iris! And Gladys right on the left

Chloe & Karin

United feet!!!

Germaine & Shreya

Germaine & Shreya playing thumb war

Grace, Shreya & Jia Hua acting fierce...

Jia Hua... Buffman behind

Jingyi!!! Shy because she wearing blusher!!!

Shreya & goofy little Jia Hua
Breakfast on the last day
Washing up

Painting in camelot

Our stuff!!!

Sarah packing (:

Gladys Choo resting.
Or is she sleeping?

Our 205 dorm E,
meh meh's crib!
goat farm (:
Sunday, October 21, 2007 how do i live without you . Y