Thursday, May 31, 2007
i'm super bored...
staring into the computer screen.
So is Lovell..
in his words, he is "rotting"
In my words, we're "staring at the four walls" (:
And watching Ocean's Eleven which I've watched upmteeeeen times & still not tired of it (:
I would prefer The Crow: A Wicked Prayer though (:
Haven't seen it but if The Crow: Salvation is good.. A Wicked Prayer would be even better!
RAISING FROM THE DEAD! (: woow! that's sexy! (:
See! I'm a cheerful person! (NOT!)
Anyways, not sleepy yet..
Daryl don't know go where??
Sean didn't reply my message...
Waiting for my ice cream my mum promised..
bet I'm gonna grow fat over the holidays! ):
Thank god for badminton trainings!!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
HAHAHAHA!!! I'm going nuts!! Hahaha...
Woke up at 12 noon today! Damn pro right???
Bathe & my cousins came over when I was showering la!
Damn embarrassing cause I forgot to take my clothes & had to walk out in a towel (:
Please don't imagine anything (: Cause that would be so so wrong! ):Anyways, didn't know how to entertainment kids, cause my new house has NO toys to entertain kids! Hahaha...
so did quizes on (: Hahaha... they seemed really interested in them.. but soon they got bored & so they went to their favourite (: Kids will be kids..
Then talked to Sean about dinner.. which we both couldn't go as the dinner wasn't planned properly.. so sad. Sean & I couldn't see Annette che che ): Hope they would plan dinner for tomorrow since Annettte's going back on Saturday! ): So fast! *sigh*
Gonna be bored tonight ): *sigh* but I've got my Mp4, my ancient cell, my computer & my TV! (: so yeah! Hahaha...
Super bored right now..
I'm playing with a girl form Springfield secondary for Cheers tournament.. on 15 June ): *sigh*
Super early la! 9.00am!!! And Lucky Weeling & Cher hui has the nights! What the hell!!! I want the nights!!! Unfair! ): *sigh* hope they change the schedule!!! (:
saw my ex's name on the list... lucky him, BYE in the first round! HAHAHA.. he playing on the same day as me, 11.05am.. should I go support him?? (: Hahahaha bet he will jump up of his skin (: HAHAHAHA!!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Hey hey!
Went for badminton training in the morning.. was late for badminton by 5 minutes (:
My dad went to see the doctor in the morning to. I reached ground floor went the other lift door was going up with my dad in it..
Missed Elva & Bjorn when I came back ): Gosh! Missing them always ):
Grandpa's back form hospital (: But he's got a tube to get the urine out...
had a blood clot at the tube but he's fine now (:
Every sleepy.. talking to Ian & Lovell on MSN.. (: Have my salonpas on my shoulder.. aching from my stupid training... Don't know do what skipping & shit "yoga" ): muscles aching la!!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Hey hey!!!
Badminton friendly match with St Joseph's Convent today! :) Met Iona & Gladys on bus 197. Weeling lost her ez-link.. at least she thought she did & thought she was bound to be stuck in the MRT forever until Gladys found it for her...
Lost most of the games..
played doubles with Gladys Gerald Choo..
played singles too.. totally unexpected! (:
Came home pretty late like about 9pm... so i tired of blogging so here's some pictures..

Me & Weeling...

FUN SHOT zoom in-s

Both schools... KC & SJC
and of course,,
our beloved KC badminton captain, AVELYN!
[whose picture I had to remove]
and yes... IONA IAN ESTELLA CHAN at bedok Interchange (:

HAHAHA... super weird la!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, May 28, 2007
Hey hey hey!
Back from church camp ):
GOSH! CAMP WAS SO FUN! wished it never ended! ):
Super fun la!
First day -
went late after family day (:
but it's ok.. daryl song was as late as me so we waited together for the current session to end (:
had dinner, seriously didn't feel like eating so I gave my share to the guys in my group PATIENCE. Let me introduce.. Me, Louisa, Cassandre, Shaun, Daryl, Ryan, Godwin.. and oh yar, Lisabeth too ..
Lisabeth pissed me off.. saying I'm short!
"Thanks a lot. Don't need you to tell me the obvious!" watch a short video on this japanese girl who was down with a disease ): so sad.. I was crying in the show ): bet i was the only one crying ):
wrote our letters to our parents at night.. HAHAHA.. Marcus & I signaling to each other.. giggling at times (: hahaha.. seriously he's super cute la.. In the fun playing kinda way. Heehee.. guess ryan was a bit left out (: Sorry (: Anyways, me, ryan & nerissa was seriously having fun la!!! (:
Second day -
woke up at 7am.. showered.. changed, ate breakfast! UNCLE JOHN called us KC AUNTIES! ): So not nice la!!! Then we had some talks & one of them was Sophia's ex-boyfriend's mum. Anyways, made Lisabeth & daryl present our ideas, and all she did was run away crying.. then Adeline brought her back.. and called me to the back, got up & go... she needed a friend to calm her down so I went to get my stuff & sat with her, Shaun was curious so he asked, but sadly, I didn't know how to answer.. ): i seriously wanna hide under a shell where *AHEM cannot see me (: Had to sit with Lisabeth lor.. saw marcus laughing at me! Stupid boy! ):
Then at night, we had mass.. our folks had to come to. Before that, I mistaken Marcus.. SORRY! (: Forgive me? Anyways, without Marcus & Shaun, really the camp was slightly boring (: but I soon forgot them after Lisabeth made me & nerissa cry! ): Stupid girl! make me cry for what! So many people!! ): Nerissa & I called Marcus.. telling him our sad stories.. and all he said was, should I come back for church or should i pierce another hole? Hahaha... talked to Daryl & Joshua at the staircase about *AHEM! hahaha,, we definitely had a productive conversation (: Both of them told Marcus to pierce his lower lip (: Hahaha (:
Anyways, after everything, had time to do our own stuff.. Chatted with Joshua, Daryl, Samantha & Jessica (; at the church carpark.. DAMN FUN LA!!! (:
Here's some pictures taken by Sandra!

Me in the
john standing in white & red, daryl standing in the yellow

KC aunties at dinner with john

Joshlynn the shy boy... NOT! (:

Cam whores.. Joshua & Deborah (:

The nice guy Joe (brown), the super nice guy Gabriel (white)

Group picture (: second day

Joshua in the middle.. but don't care him! I'm PINK at the side!

Joshlynn the cam whore! (:

Don't mind the boys! (: I'm the one you should be looking at! (:

Jessica & Samantha (: GOOD friends (: very nice ppl (:

Plain picture, but what's important is that I'm at the side (:

Joshlynn cam whore

Marie, the nice girl (:

Me! In the middle, in PINK!

me again! don't you just love me??

ME!!! (: i'm so lovable (:

Aaron (: staring at something (:

Catherine & Nerissa (:

Random picture (: Ceiling of the hall (:

Me again!!!!
Last but not least...

sandra, the photographer (:
Monday, May 28, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Went to school with Iona, Aishah, Cairyn & Gladyst.
Got to school, started to set up our stall & it started! YEAH!!!
Went to support 205 for the telematch!!! (:
Me & Diane - Photographers
Jia Hua, Angie, Shreya, Keziah, Iris - Cheerleaders
205 telematch team
GO 205!!! Cairyn got sick so Angie was the subtitute's subtitute (:
I subtituted our beloved Chairman! (:
They super poor thing la! Run for so long under the scorching sun!
poor two-fivers under the sun

Veronica, Bella, Megan (retarded chairman), Gladys Gerald!

Me! Number 38.. Grace's ramdom shot (:

Spastical Mrs H & Diane.. don't know what they doing (:
Graceeey Poo, Phoebe Dung, Stefanie SPENCER!
Church camp on the way!!!!!!! (:
Saturday, May 26, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Hey hey!
feeling much better today, except that my voice sounds weird today.
PICTURE DAY TODAY!!!Hahaha, can't believe I'm super short! Had to sit on the first row! Nearly had to sit next to Mrs H! Gosh!
Anyways, I bet i look spastic in every single picture! (:
for fun shot, everyone wore our class tees! First fun shot I took with Belle (: No more time to shift (:
2nd Fun shot, I took with Diane, Qing yu, Yunhui, Bella, Megan, Eva & Belle iwth me right at the end. This time, we wore our shirts the other way round to see our names on the tees (: Hahaha..
for badminton photo shot, stood sandwich between 2 sec 1s! THIS PROVES HOW SHORT I AM! GOD! poor me ):iona didn't attend photo shoot, grace missed the phot shoot, not sure about Diane though.. think she missed it too.
1 MORE DAY TO FAMILY DAY & CHURCH CAMP! And by the way...I am Stefanie Spencer Lau,Aishah is Siti Athur Aishah,Iona is Iona Ian Chan,Gladys is Gladys Gabriel Choo,and Isabella is Isabella Isacc Su!!! (:
Thursday, May 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hey hey!!!
Sorry, this is gonna be a long post be who cares?
Went to school as usual today. Regretted though, with many reasons to it.
1; today was a super boring day at school
2; we were sitting in the damn hall after morning assembly until recess! ):
3; definitely feeling worse than yesterday. To think I was actually recovering! What shit! ):
4; hate going to school to see *AHEM* (people in church camp BEWARE!) Her new hair makes me wanna puke! Bella probably knows who I'm talking about because... IT'S DAMN OBVIOUS!!! (:
Anyways, went to eat lunch with Diane, Bella Yunhui, Qingyu, Belle & Eva near 7-eleven because we went to Eva's house after that to put flour in balloons! (: *you should not try to understand.. maybe if maybe if you people really wanna know, BE AT KC FAMILY DAY!!! (: And oh yar! Got the consent form for badminton trainings during the holidays! (: Sec 1s this are much luckier la! Stupid Mdm C! Should have training for three weeks la!!! not two! CRAP LA!!! So crappie la! But who cares? I've got badminton tournaments & study groups to look forward to!!! (: Hahaha... whatever! Called Joseph to ask what time church camp ends on Monday because I really wanna go for badminton training! (: missed loads of stuff because no trainings during MYE! ): See what a committed & devoted member I am!!!...
NOT! Hahahaha (:
Anyways, at Eva's house... Belle couldn't stop talking crap!
She's BUB! Bimbo Useless Belle, and THAT'S WHY WE LOVE HER!!!! (: Diane couldn't stop laughing at Belle.. Typical Diane (: And this Bella!!!
Just couldn't stop laughing for no valid reason. but it doesn't really have to be valid though (: She just laughed... paused... and started laughing again! (: Super cute la! And that is why we love Bella! (: Hahahaha! We love Eva & Qingyu & Yunhui too! And not forgetting me!!!! (: My stupid freakin' maid is seriously stupid and freakin'! God damn her! God she's an ass! makes me do chores when I came back! And God was my head spinning on my way home! F**K her la! And that freakin' ass is hypocritical! She tells everyone that they shouldn't lie, and there she goes lying to me, saying that she was waiting for me outside Eva's house the gate! Stupid loser! I called home & it was my freakin' maid who answered! Stupid ass la she! *wish I was Donald trump, then i can just tell her straight in her face "YOU'RE FIRED!" * (: HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
F**KER LA SHE!!! MAY SHE ROT IN HELL!!! What kind of person accuses people who are innocent & then making them feel guilty? who does she think she is? When she says you are in the wrong, don't bother trying to prove your innocence! Even if you manage to prove it, she won't admit she lost! WHAT A SORE LOSER!!! (: hahaha (: People, you might think I'm mean, especially people in my class who have met her. PLEASE!!! She's a wolf in a sheep's clothing! She trashes my class in front of me, behind their backs! Saying "all the girls in your class are bad"
1; she really needs to know that she sucks
2; she needs to know no one trashes my friends
3; she needs to know who's the bad one here?! (:
TAKE THAT! LOSER!!!! whatever!
Anyways, feeling very sick la! But have to go to school tomorrow for picture taking!
Won't miss it for the world!!! I mean, what's a photo without the ONE & ONLY spastical StefanieLau*!In words of Hamlet (i think), "to be or not to be"...
In words of StefanieLau* " to join or not to join?"
I'm not that interseted in drama elective.
In fact, didn't expect myself to be selected at all!!! SHIT LA! Why make my life difficult by making me choose?! If i go for drama elect., I'll probably get to do drama elect., I think, but I might not cope with my studies with my current schedule.
If I don't join, no chance for drama elect., but more time to study! HOW?!
But I don't really want to join but my mum insists that I go! HOW???
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Hey hey!!!
went to school today as usual today.
how boring!!! ): Whatever la.
Got my Science, History and Chinese papers back.
Finally got all the paper's back! YAY
Science: 63.5/80
Chinese Paper 2: 32.5/65
History: 59/100
Cannot care less about my history. HATE HISTORY! ):
At least I manage to pass (:
Chinese de-proving.. ):
So sad!
Got into drama elective.. not sure if I want to join.
Boarded the bus home until my mum told me to go for the drama elective briefing..
So I went to parkway first lor..
Shopped for Family day stuff with Megan, Bella, Diane and Yunhui.. (:
Funny la..
Went for the briefing with Diane & Yunhui..
Mr M started "briefing" till 3.30pm I think..
Got on 197
again and at the Parkway bus top, I saw Megan, Bella, Eva, Iona, Gladys & Aishah walking with Megan & Bella wearing the Shrek ear's hair band from MacDonalds' HAHAHA (: Super cute! (:
Forgot to say yesterday.. WE'VE GOT OUR CLASS T-SHIRTS!!! (: HAHAHA
YAY!!! Red may be a little shocking, but it's still nice (:
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hey hey!!!
Couldn't sleep last night. Off-ed the air-con because I was having runny nose.
Couldn't sleep without the air-con. Kept tossing & turning. ):
So went in the morning with that
freakin' shit-y nose to school.
Had morning assembly in class.. at least you get to sit on chairs instead of the hard basketball court floor. (:
First we had Home
Econs. (: Miss A came to give us our marks! (: got overall of I think 72% [A2]
Miss A showed some of the Home
Econs video. I was sleeping throughout the videos. Just too tired. HATE IT WHEN I'M SICK!
YAY me..
Next we had Art. GOD was that person freaky!!! Made so many people fail!
ARRR!!! Whatever la! God! Why must Mr S be so mean? Miss JP would have given much more
I passed though (: 65/100.. but why? I think my piece was a bit too simple though. (: Cannot be bothered la. As long as I pass can
le (: After he went through the paper, he made us read.. Again I was sleeping.. (:
Then for history, don't think Mr C came so we didn't get back our history paper.. Whatever la. Then the "sudoku craze" came back when Megan, Bella and I started playing Sudoku. Eva and
Aishah were "learning" to play sudoku.
HAHAHA (: super cute la! Especially Eva. " I didn't check the answer OK!
Aishah! You even worse
lor! Got Stefanie as your answer!" (: Super Cute!
During assembly, had don't know what forum with the student counselors. The Sec 2 NT students super high la! Damn funny la! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. (:
Then at home, did nothing but house chores. napped for a while cause I seriously need some sleep ):
HAHAHA! my mum made me see the doctor at night! Shit-y long queue
lor! Waited for 1 hour, so went to 7-eleven and guardian. but still had a lot of people. Then saw Marcus friend at the clinic. Damn coincidental la! Saw him in church yesterday and at the doctor's today. Maybe it's
beacuse I stay too near him
le. In the same block
lor! (:
HAHAHA.. whatever! But I like he's bike. So cute la! Not as in those baby bicycles, it's those that look like dirt bikes but not sure whether they are dirt bikes.
HAHAHA! (: Super cool la! And ya, I'm super lame! (: But who cares (:
SICK SICK SICK! Crap! Didn't take MC cause
1; I hate missing school
2; I hate staying at home
3; I hate staying with my maid the whole day
4; I'll die of
boredom! (:HAHAHA (: Whatever.. Hate my nose! Totally red!
Monday, May 21, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Hey hey!!!!
HAHAHA (: Did nothing but watch CSI for the whole afternoon.. (:
CSI's good to watch!!! HAHAHAHA.. Miami's the best though.
6 more days to church camp & family day. *sigh*
Need to plan about family day...
Need to ask John or Joseph about church camp...
Need to talk about study group with Bella, Diane, Yunhui they all..
*sigh* HAHAHA.. whatever
My mum finally got the new PC up and running!!! (:
just joking.. (:
Yeah, I'm so looking forward to going back on MSN! so long never go online le.
Miss the old days..
I'm lame.. But isn't it true? Don't we all wish to turn back the clock??
I wish I could!!!
1: to get rid of my maid
2: to undo loads of nasty things I've said to people (: [I'm a NAS-ty girl.. (mummy's boy)]
3: just to have much much more fun than I had the last time.
HAHAHA >.< but isn't it sad that we just can't turn back time? Yes, it's sad ):
HAHAHA!!! Singapore's media is, sad to say, slow! God, I've finished watching the first season last year on AXN before Singapore even started on the first episode of it which was probably on 22 December 2006! HAHAHA (: Can't believe I remember the date. Didn't think that they would have a 2nd season!!! HAHAHA!!! GOD! JARED PADALECKI!!!! (: must watch must watch!!! HAHAHA (: Thought all of them died in the first season!!! HAHAHAHA (: whatever la. At least I know Jared's alive (: HAHAHA (: must watch must watch!!! HEEHEE! (: I'm lame, but the show's worth our support! It's gonna be good!! (:
Whatever.. HAHAHA (: Using the new PC now!!! YAY!!! hahahahaha! (:
Sunday, May 20, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Hey hey! HAHAHAwhatever! (:
Today was a boring day!!!
Piano in the morning... which is the same every week! (:
So no difference.
Malcolm didn't help book the badminton court so Edwin & I couldn't play. Maybe next time (:
And Edwin.. hope you're looking forward to your confirmation tomorrow!!! (:
HAHAHA.. ok... ...
Anyways, my dear Cher Hui went to Ubi CC to book a court tomorrow for me & her but couldn't book. So sad... Every Sunday is boring besides the fact that there's church (: HEEHEE..
Church camp, church camp. Looking forward to it I guess.. (now that's a lie, sort of..) I just don't see why badminton has to be on the same day as the last day of camp!!! ARRR!!!
HAHAHA (: ... whatever.
Went to the airport to pick my dad up. Ran away from my mum for away to buy ice cream but ended up buying apple pie because the ice cream machine broke down. How sad... ):
But I seeked compensation with my parents and I ended up with Hagendaz ice cream (should be spelt that way I guess) My dad bought an ORANGE BILLABONG SHORT!!! hahahaha.. LOVE YA DAD FOR BUYING ORANGE!!!! hahaha, I'm an orange freak! HEEHEEHEE! So, guess what the pathetic sad truth about the shorts is? The shorts is size XL. Which is much much to big. Maybe because I slimmed down ['= (which is highly impossible) So the other reason left is that I am not as fat as I look. Which is a very STUPID reason so yea...WHATEVER!
HAHAHAHA!!! whatever! (:
Saturday, May 19, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, May 18, 2007
Damn happy today I guess..
Can't really tell what mood I'm in. HAHAHA
Having mood swings I guess (:
Today no morning exercise!!! (: YEAH!
During assembly, P Tan walked down our class don't know for what.
Catch Aishah & Iona for hair, don't know how many caught for nails.
All done by the one and only Mrs H.
Whatever la she! Cannot be bothered with that person!
HAHAHA.. Reading for 1 whole hour.. BLAH! boring
Then had Literature! HAHAHAHA Mr Cheese super cute la!
We taught him Singlish and the "Singaporean handshake"
And Mr Cheese taught us Murphy's law.
To only find Murphy contridicting himself. HAHAHAHA.. not really, it seems that way though
Then we had Maths with Miss T. No more mummy's boy. (:
HAHAHA, kinda miss him. No more mummy's boy to "bully" HAHAHA (:
Anyways, got my paper 1 & 2 back. Didn't expect my paper 2 to be that bad!
GOD! So many careless mistakes!!! HAHAHA (: Whatever.
But overall, I'm happy! (:
81/100 [A1]
Got my English paper back...
got overall 72% [A2] !!!!
Big improvement since CA1!!!
CA1 was only 51%!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
YAY ME! (:
hahaha. Whatever... Just hope that I pass the rest of my papers! (:
Didn't get the chance to book the badminton court. Sorry Edwin!!! ):
Another time ok? After your confrimation maybe (:
Badminton tournaments coming soon during the holidays!
1 to 10 June!
18 June - Cheers Badminton tournament. Playing against someone form St. Joseph's Convent.
*sigh* Kinda having second thoughts on the tournaments. HAHAHAHA (:
Guess I'll have time to go forstudy group with Bella, Diane, Qing yu, Yun hui and the rest during the holidays. And definitely shopping!!! (: What's a holiday without shopping??? !!!!
1 more week to FAMILY DAY!!! (:
Friday, May 18, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Hey hey! Second and final day of marking day! CRAP LA! can't believe we have to go to school tomorrow! ARR! it's a Friday! Why can't they just have 3 days of marking day?! GOSH! Hate it!
Today's an overall sucky day for me. Did house chores for the whole morning & afternoon!!! Edwin's sick, not in school. Malcolm asshole is skipping school since Xendra has no school today. Weird love birds (: HAHAHA.. Edwin, get well soon (:
Anyways, went to church in the evening for Ascension Thursday. Didn't go with Nisha yesterday because of Haunted House. So it was kinda boring going alone with my maid! ARRR!!! Saw Marcus in church.. Lynette too. And some weird kid sitting behind me was singing so loudly and out-of-tune. But who am I to blame her? The cute kid was like only 4 or 5 years old! And she's praising God so it's ok. (:
Asked Nisha what we were suppose to bring for camp but she didn't know. Asked Marcus but he didn't really know. So yeah, obviously we weren't briefed properly. HAHAHAHA! (: Whatever.. John called just now but I forgot to ask him. He was looking for my mum. Don't know what each parent has to do something but my mum doesn't want to tell me. (: whatever la. I cannot be bothered! (:
Kinda bored now. It's near the holidays, near family day, near church camp, near badminton training, near badminton tournamentS, gramps for Malaysia coming over soon!.. NO TIME FOR SHOPPING!!!! NO TIME FOR GOING OUT WITH FRIENDS! NO TIME FOR FUN WITH MY ASSHOLES!!!! CRAP! ): crap!!!!! ARRR! (: hahaha, nevermind.. I'll work things out. I think... (:
Thursday, May 17, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hey hey, woke up pretty early this morning because of class chalet thingy at Aloha Changi. (:
Woke up on the wrong side of bed because of what happened yesterday.. And the same thing happened again in the morning! *sigh* why is every single conversation with her all ending up with a quarel? Well, if we're looking at the bright side of life.. it is 1 form of conversation with her. If we're looking at the dark side, it's a living hell having to quarel and argue in every single conversation since she always wins. That's how parents are I guess (:
Anyways, went to chalet at 10 plus in the morning. Gladys forgot to bring toothbrush so I had to bring for her. HAHAHAHA (; what forgetful girl our Gladyst is! (: hahaha.. GLADYST! hehehehe... Went to chalet and watch HI-5 at 12.30pm. Before the show, me.. gladys.. and eva relaxing 1 of the rooms and gladys slept for a while... GLADYS ZHU!!! hahaha, just joking la. Anyways, invited Edwin & his friends for haunted house but he needed to be home after school so it's ok la. Honami & Eileen came for the haunted house. Aishah's friend and her brother came for the haunted house too, found it quite easy to scare Honami & Eileen, but the mood was spoilt by that VS boy who started singing Christmas songs la! Idiotic la! Piss everyone off during the Haunted house. Had to paint my face black though.
God! I swear I won't complain about my fair / "too-white" skin! HAHAHA (: Anyways, had a hard time removing the paint off my face after haunted house! ARR!Want on taking about almost everything that came to my mind. Went with Gladys to fetch Iona & Feng Ou who came in the evening and went in the late evening... HAHAHAHA, whatever, I'm lame. Stupid mpsquitoes were biting me instead of stupid Gladyst while waiting for Iona & Feng Ou. But Gladys got biten in the end, so I'm quite happy. Watched TV all the way, Double Happiness 2, Fear Factor, Deal or No Deal. The best was deal or no deal! HAHAHA, so fun la! The people on the show so super drama la! HAHA, don't care them. Whatever.. my maid came to pick me up at 9 plus, left the chalet at 9.35pm. Shit la, wanted to left at 10pm but cannot because of her! ARRR!!! So treated like a kid! Hate it! Took the freakin' bus home which took me more than 1 hour to go home! Stupid person, told her to take taxi but she didn't want to. It's not like she's paying for it! ARRR!!!
got home and the first news I got form my mum was, the PC's coming on tomorrow or Friday. Hate using my mum's laptop, NO MSN! What shit is that la? At least there's blogger. Hahaha..
Anyways, thanks to all the people who made HH possible. Although there was some hiccups & some disagreements, everything turned out not too bad! HAHAHA! :) Please give credits to:DianeQing YuYunhuiEvaAishahBelleGladystMeganHonamiEileenand of course... ME!!! (:post the pictures when I get the new PC ok?
Wednesday, May 16, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Shit la! Hate my freakin' life! Too bad that I can't just run away from it! Hate it to the core! HATE!!! God I HATE MY MAID, HATE my f**king life! how nice if I can just run away!!! Can't stand it!!! I'm gonna lose it if I carry on like this! F**KING maid in my house!!! I wanna change my friend's test! I don't hate Steven anymore, I don't only hate my maid! But I hate my life as well! My house used to be so nice without my maid. Since 11 years ago! I can't remember how happy I was back then cause I was like only 3 years old! But I definitely know that I was much much happier! HATE MY SHIT MAID TO THE CORE! That F**KING BITCH! *sigh* that bitch acts so nice to me when she want me to listen to her. Scolds me for no utter freakin' reason she's angry, saying "Stefanie, don't make me angry"... When will that bitch realise that she's not the only one that's angry? I'm not just angry, I'm furious, I'm a volcano just waiting to explode! I can't live my life anymore! This is no longer my life! Definite not my life anymore. I don't really know what I want to do with my life anymore! Everytime I see my mum we argue and quarel, everytime she starts talking to me or I start talking to her it ends up with my father breaking us up. I hate it la! Can't believe people actually have a great time with their mums, example Perceyner. Can't believe Cairyn actually watches movies with her mum. I can't imagine me & my mum like that. Even if we did go out together, there will definitely be at least 1 time when we will argue, never once did we not argue. Me & my mum is just like Lovell & his dad. Hahaha... but not as bad as Lovell, in a way that I'm not in hospital.. HAHAHA! anyways, just hate it when my parents treat me like I was their primary 1 baby! "I'm not a small girl no more! You let my get on the plane on my own since I was 8 years old, you allowed me to go Perth with my friends & the school, why can't you let me just stay 1 night at the chalet! It's not like I'll be doing anything wrong or "against your law" right? Please, and why the hell is aishah dragged into the picture? I just don't get what my mum sees wrong in aishah? Just what is wrong? Aishah is an average person just like everyone is.. expect for the hair (: Hahaha, just joking la. I just don't understand what my mum is thinking la! *sigh* I justcan't stand itwhen she disagrees with me, especially issues that concerns my friends! I hate it when people insult my friends or talk bad about people I care about especially my friends. How can my maid make the comment that I go out with bad company. GOD IF I COULD, I WOULD JUST SLAP HER FACE! How can she say that? She most definitely has no EQ! What I i told her that her friends suck! If her friends were up to no good. How would she feel? How would anyone feel? GOD I JUST WANNA SLAP HER FACE! and she acts like the perfect maid in front of my friends, in front of my parents. God if only my friends know what she's said about them, they wouldn't be praising her, they'll more like hate her, trash her! GOD i hate my life. Just finished quarelling with my mum about the freakin' chalet thing. If you don't want me to stay overnight, I'll just go for HH la! Don't give me all the crap la! GOD i just want to scream! Just run out the door if I could! I hate my life! My mum always ask me when she gets upset with me "You tired of living is it? Pull long face for what?" WELL MAYBE I REALLY AM TIRED OF LIVING! I just don't want to face her anymore! Just hate it! Hate it! Why must my life be like that? But who do I have to blame? The pathetic answeris me. Who did I stupid-ly point at when my parents told me to pick when I was 3 years old? All I have to blame is me, nobody else but me. Me, myself and I. Me, myself, my shit life, my freakin' life. Just hate it to the core! Can't help but cry at my life. Just tearing posting this. Hate it to the core.. CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. hate my life, want it the way it was before!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hahaha, art finish le... Now in Cairyn KOK's house!!! Damn bored sia!! (: No la, more like damn FUN!!!!!
WEEEEE!!!! (:
Monday, May 14, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hey, hey! Sorry never blog for so long! Wanted to post on Friday but my computer crashed when I was talking to Elva, Diane, Sara, Malcom and Edwin! So shit right? anyways...
Monday- History... shit la. Don't know anything about the Economics and Jobs thingy, but also didn'y konw about the 1959 elcetions so did rubbish for the Economics and Jobs thing. FAIL le!!! Just don't understand, why study history? Hiostory's in the history, and we should be looking towadrs the future. So we should learn about the future! HAHAHA! Don't people say we should not look into the past but look towards a better and brighter future? So that's what I'm doing. HAHAHAHA. If i'm not wrong, that's one of the morning reflections in school. See! I do pay attention doing morning assembly! HAHAHAHA!
Tuesday- Maths Paper 1... Ok la, not too bad. Much better than any of my other papers :)
Wednesday- Literature. *sigh* Defintiely sure I'll pass better than 50%. *sigh* My CA1 was likeshit la for Literature. 50% hope I'll get at least B4 this time.
Thursday- Science. OMG! My science was shit la! Diefintely could have studied more. Don't draw what diagram for an experiment to prove that the angle of incidence = the angle of reflection. *sigh* I included sticks and markers! Oh god! Fail la like that!!!! Should just give up my wish to go into triple science class la. Should just give up studying too... (: Just joking... (:
Friday- Maths Paper 2. Like shit too la! Didn't do Question 5. Skip question 5 and didn't have time to get back to it. SHIT LA!!!!!! ARRRR fail le! My average gonna go down the drain. ARRR! There goes my $500!!! ARR!!! It's easy money! Studyhard, get rewarded. However, not top 10, no money! So yea, there goes my money! AARRRR!!!!!
No need to study anymore le. Monday- Art, Tuesday- English Oral. Art left 9 sketches and the thumbnails to do. SHIT LA!!! LOVE ART, HATE THE EXAM!
AARRRR, my mum's pissed with my bill. But only exceeded by 35 messages! ARRR, typical kiasu mothers... HAHAHAHA!!! (: No la, my mum rocks... at times, no... more like once only. (: OK...
*sigh*... what to do...I'm starting to hate my life, my house. ARRR, and even the asshole I THINK I love... *sigh sigh sigh* Seriously, i can't put up with my mum anymore!!!! Can't stop argueing with her! She complains about me on MSN, me on blogger. Even when I was printing Literature notes!!!!
And Lovell! Do you intend to admit yourself into hospital after you come out from there? WHY? Do you think you can escape your dad that way? Lovell, if don't wanna listen to me, I don't know how to help you... you ass! If you do that 1 more time, I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GONNA HATE YOU FOREVER! Whatever la. I too sick to be upset with you. Hahahahaha, (: Just joking.
My life should be compared to a pileof shit, cause a pile of shit would be more interesting than my freakin' life!!! My life sucks!!!!!!!
here's my test, you people must take ok? do ok? OK>..<
Saturday, May 12, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Hey hey!!!! Back again!
Went to piano today! And what a success, no aches, no pains, NO COMPLAINS! hahaha (:
If I'd know any better, I'd say Ms Alice's a complain queen!
Can't believe I wasn't allowed to go library to study! God my parents are serious control freaks! What's so wrong about studying at the library? God! Hate them when they're OVER PROTECTIVE. *sigh* GOD! ARRRR!!!!!!
Watch Aviva Open on Channel 5 today. Really disppointing to see Peter Gade lose. But it's ok i guess, cos if comparing standards, I'd say I'm really bad! (: Watch one of my favourite shows while talking to Ed... (: "you're famous" Hahahaha... Anyways,
went for a walk after dinner, god it seemed so short, especially when you're listening to music and SMSing on the phone. Hahaha, guess who I was messaging. ;)
My mum's seriously crossing the line la! Just tell me who studies HISTORY at night?! actually, NO ONE! God, quarelled wiht her too la. She seriouslay knows how to win an arguement, now my dad wants me to stop at 11.30! Since when did I stop using the net at 11.30pm? At least till 12am! I stop at 2am usually!!! GOD, my parents are to protective, no... not protective, too much of control freaks!!! ARRR!!!! hate history, hate my freakin' controlled life! HELL LA! Freakin' house! Hate it la!
Saturday, May 05, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, May 04, 2007
Hey, hey. Today damn bored la. Talked to Edwin in the morning... HAHAHA, you're famous Edwin... anyways, had chairobics in the morning. Bella, Aishah, Megan, Yunhui and me damn into la. The orange boy in the video damn weird la! Anyways, studied History during English. HAHAHAHA, didn't think I would actually study. HAHAHA...
Miss S was late for RE for about 1/2 an hour. But for the last 1/2 hour, we watched Alice in Wonderland. Poor us, L___ was actually making herslef comfortable in the music room. Lame la she. And she has nothing else to ask me besides "who are you with now?" Please la! I'm not like you ok! Despo until would wanna get a NS guy whatev la! Please, I should be asking you that question! Not you ask me. And please la, you seriously piss me off, and Nisha too! And Celine too! I bet Marcus too! Please la! I'm glad that I had the guts to tell you to shut up i church since you were talking too loud! Whatev L___!!!!! Anyways....
My maid damn ass la! WHen I was helping her wash the fish tank, she got me wet by "accidentally" pointing the hose at me. "ACCIDENTALLY"... amazing... WHATEVER LA that person.
Sick la, now. Slight fever, vomited a bit, but i'll live. Ate chocolates which surprisingly made it better! (:
Anyways, currently recording Shayne Ward's No Promises then later shall be Seal's Kiss From a Rose. Nice songs... Talking to Aishah if we should go study together, but asking other people to come as well, so we're waiting for replies. Talking to Lovell too... he's bored in his friend's house I think. The other Lovell's in hospital again. That idiot deserves a big scolding from me. The ass has been too stressed since his dad came back from San Diego to visit. Lovell, Lovell, Lovell.. don't know how to help you la. Don't wanna listen to me. Lovell, you're seriously becoming very different, and you're kinda scaring me. ): Talking to Edwin on the phone since his bro using the computer.
And now I listening to Michael Buble's Home. Damn it's a nice song!!!!
Here's the song,
and the lyrics,
Another summer day has come and gone awayI’m in Paris and Rome, but I wanna go home
‘May be surrounded by a million peopleI still feel alone, just wanna go homeOh, I miss you, you know
And I’ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to youEach one a line or two, “’I’m fine baby how are you?”Well, I would send them but I know that it’s just not enoughMy words are cold and flat and you deserve more than that
Another airplane, another side place I’m lucky I knowbut I wanna go home, I gotta go home
Let me go homeI’m just too far from where you areI wanna come home
And I feel just like I’m living someone else’s lifeIt’s like I just stepped outside when everything was going rightAnd I know just why you could not come along with meThis was not your dream, but you always believed in me
Another winter day has come and gone awayIt neither Paris or Rome and I wanna go homeLet me go home
And I’m surrounded by a million peopleI still feel alone and let me go homeOh, I miss you, you know
Let me go homeI‘ve had my runBaby I’m doneI gotta go home
Let me go homeIt’ll all be alrightI’ll be home tonightI’m coming back homethanks to for the lyrics (:
Hahahaha.... (: got piano tomorrow, don't know what the outcome is ... HAHAHA!
Friday, May 04, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
hey hey hey!!! I'm officially scarred for life in more ways than one! I'm failing English, Chinese and Drama. Forgot my lines in my monologue!!! OMG!!! My mind just went blank during the monologue! I couldn't remember!!!! ): Couldn't even do impromptu! GOD my mind went blank! But it doesn't matter. I don't wanna take up Drama elective... I'm more keen on the TRIPLE science!!! But with no English and Chinese, don't think about TRIPLE science, don't even think of moving up to Sec 3! I'm officially scarred la..
Got really bored during history, tried my best to listen though... only end up paying attention to Mr C's weird sweater. From the back, it acutally looks good. But from the front, I don't wanna say. Anyways, I also cut my nails during boring lessons so yeah, I cut my nails... Hahaha. Just I cut slightly too short. Couldn't play "Ice Pond" properly at home. Ended making out with the paino for 2 freaking hours to get back my touch on just that song, how pathetic. Anyways, didn't have anymore nails to cut during Mrs G's lesson. So use the school badge and yeah whatev. Anyways, waiting for the scars to fade away, but damn it takes so long!!!! ):
Did house chores today. I'm nice ok! Did Mr L's homework to ok! I'm such a good girl today. Anyways, currently talking to Edwin (: currently having 4 things in common. Ok.. sounding weird. Anyways, listening to Fall Out Boy too!!! Hahahaha... *sigh* don't like school! Damn sleepy, going in one ear, coming out the next. *SIGH* nevermind la... (:
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Hey hey...
went to Veronica's house for the drama thing today. Did the banner, the 4 red hats and went through the script. Damn fun la. Gina was super hyper. Painting on me and Veronica. Hahahaha, and Veron, if you wanna know why the twitty bird and paper fastener is on the roof, you might wanna ask Gina... Hahahaha... Anyways, thank god Sarah came with Roti Prata! GOsh! Can't believe I ate 1 otah for lunch! Thanks Sarah! Love ya! Anyways, haven't make the black hat for "Charlie Tan" aka STEFANIE LAU! Hahahaha... HOW? Need the hat. Jas0n threw he's away! Irritating! Now have to make one own my own. Poor me... ): Nevermind la. Have to memorise the stupid monologue. ARRR!!!! don't want! Scared i forget! HELP! Can't the drama exam be after the mid-year? ARRR!!!! FRUSTRATING!
Was thinking about church camp. Should I still till Monday? And have fun on the last day of camp? OR... go home on Sunday and go for badminton training on Monday???
Wonder if we need to bring make up for drama...? Who knows!? (: DON'T WANT DRAMA!!!
Currently, chilling out with coke and Children of Bodom... HAHAHA! They rock! Good Charlotte too... Hahahaha. Whatev.. I'm lame,,, :)
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
doing art prep work la. Can't believe I'm stuck at the mind map! Hell la! No mood! Feel so moody... HAHAHA having mood swings (: Currently listening to Superman by Bad Religion. Love that song! Has my favourite word. Weeling's too! Hahahaha... Heard Nisha going to get a blog. GO girl, you rock. Talking to Aishah, Gladys, Lovell, Lovell & Marcus.... I seriously have nothing better to do la! Aishah say using school badge doesn't work. But Lovell could actually get himself into hospital yesterday. And still go out with me after school today. DAMN YOU LOVELL!
Currently talking to Aishah and Gladys cause the 2 Lovell(s) went offline le so did Marcus. Talking about the poor Lovell... Now listening to Oops I did It Again by Children of Bodom. Damn funny la! Should listen to it, especially ppl of 205! You'll laugh your heads off!
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 how do i live without you . Y