Monday, April 30, 2007
Hey, I'm back. Today was chinese Paper 1 & 2.
It's definitely better than english! But I'm not that confident.
Anyways, after the paper... MATHS! Can't believe there were lessons after the exams!
Mr L cut his hair! Hahaha, Iona and I complimented him on his haircut! HeeHee... Aishah said that he looks a bit hairless. But come to think of it, it's a bit true (: Hahaha. He gave back the Maths class test. Expected myself to fail, but surprisingly I didn't. 34/50. Missed 2 questions. Got everything i did right expect for 1 freakin' question! ARRR!!! Nevermind la. Quite good for a girl who forgets everything after the lesson. (: Veronica got 49!!!! GOSH she's smart! Lucky girl! Anyway, had science after Maths. Mrs H did a review of all the chapters thought. She go through damn fast la! Aishah, Megan and I sit together and copied notes!! SO "guai"! Hahaha, but I got bored after awhile so I started doodling on my paper! Hahahaha... wrote his name, but then looked very messy so cancelled it lor. Then lesson ended so Eva, Diane & Belle came over to our side and started talking about "something". You guys will know next time... if you can remember. (: Then all of a sudden, everyone seemed so interested in doodling. Hahahaha, started with me, then Megan then Belle. And yar Aishah too. Everyone can guess what she wrote la. Stereotyped! Hahaha(: Anyways, everyone told jokes to Mrs H. Don't konw why.
Started with Phoebe and the rest with the "Where's the hair" joke. Then Aishah, Megan and I will the "4 stories" and "what does cows drink" jokes. And the "M-T" thing. Then Aishah with the fuzzy wazzy joke. Don't know what she saying la. But Mrs H damn smart la! She knew everything. She was like "I can go trick the other teachers" So teachers, BEWARE! hahaha... nevermind la.
Stupid 197! Took so long to come! Got bullied by Phoebe, Cairyn, Luxuan and Sarah! Crazy people gang up against me. Hahaha (: Cairyn, please la. Wanna bully me also must use new techniques can? Don't use Lovell's method(t) of waking me up. And F.Y.I, you messed up my hair! LOSER! (: no la, just joking. (: Thank god Lovell told me.
And Lovell, take this oppuortunity to patch with your dad ok? You only get to see him about thrice a year. Don't miss it ok? Please... Trust me, nothing will go wrong. He's your dad. He'll understand what you're going through. And did i mention you SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME YESTERDAY! DON'T YOU EVER DARE DO IT AGAIN! I SWEAR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS ON THE SPOT! Don't scare me ever again ok?
Just got home and had to see the f*cker's face! HATE THE F*CKER! B*tch! Can't believe I live with her. Want her out! Maybe it's a good thing that I'm going Perth... Gladys confirm will beat me if I do. But I beat her back so nevermind. But she'll beat me back and the cycle goes untilI give up cause Gladys doesn't get tired of it. hahaha (: Anyways back to where I left off... that f*cker always f*ck at the wrong place! I swear she'll regret it! I'll make her regret it for the rest of her life! The f*cker thinks I'll regret my actions, she'll bear the consequences. Just you wait f*ucker! It's not over, it just started! But I had to vent the anger before I explode so I tried Lovell's method. It actually works! But only did a few. Lovell, I'm not doing it to seriously as you are but I still forbid you to do it! OK! My case is different than yours and you know it! You have the opportunity to make a difference but I don't! So make good use of it! Don't be like me!
Anyways, glad there's no school tomorrow. Can concentrate on drama props tomorrow! THANK GOD! He's so merciful! Seriously! Anyways, going Veronica's house tomorrow after lunch. Gladys coming to help in Megan's place since Megan can't go. (: Anyways, feels like I'm drifting away from my phone! Poor me, wanna grab my dad's P910i! So nice la! Namecard scanner! SO COOL! Let him buy a new phone since he wants to. Hate my phone! It's ancient! Lousy too! Inbox memory like sh*t la. So small. My PDA phone better, but too big. *sigh*
And to the people on my tagboard, tag all you want... I cannot care less. I only pay attention to people I know and wanna talk to so waste as many tags as you please. (: I don't mind.
And Jas0n, is your birthday on Saturday or Sunday???
Monday, April 30, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Hey hey hey!!!
I'm back!!! Went to church in the morning today. Wore a red shirt, beige skirt and my dark blue jacket and my white heels. Came to church about 8.55am, met Alexia & the rest at the lift. Waited for Nisha. Thought we were late when we went up but surprisingly no one opened the door so it was very crowded outside. (: Hahaha... didn't wait for L___ cause she wasn't out of her house yet. Unbelievable. I tell you solemnly (hahaha), she looks bad wearing tights and she looks even worse without them! Please la, wear jeans! At least they make you look less like a whore! (: And since we're talking clothes, I LOVE Sara's heels! I need them more than her since she's already so super tall! (: Shaun's shirt was nice! Jas0n should get tips from Shaun. Jas0n, stop wearing so formally! Be casual & at the same time look smart! Hahahaha (: You should get Shaun's number but sorry, I don't have. Hahaha (: And I think Marcus looks nice today. He should wear like that ALL the time... Oh yar, before I forget,
don't think I can't blog tomorrow so here's your wishes!!!
Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true on this birthday of yoursAnd may God bless you with abundant joy and happiness!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (:Anyways, L___ today damn irritating la! Can't believe I told her to SHUT UP! Yay me! What can you do? She's an ass... Anyways, in church got no one to talk to except Nisha and Celine. They had nothing else to talk about but slashing! God! Is there no other topic to talk about like L____'s lousy dress sense? >.<
Oh yar, not to forget that Louisa, Dalia & Carmen were super late for Cathechism cause they forgot to push the bell and missed the bus stop. Hahaha, ok... Don't be so forgetful next time (:
Went to Megan's house at 3pm just now for Drama prep. work, the script and props la. But Sarah couldn't come and poor Aishah sick... so left me and Megan lor. Thank God we finished the script! YAY! (: So left the props and acting and reflections! *sigh* still got loads to improve on. Thank God for the Labour Day Holiday! Hahahaha...
Anyways, thank god too that I didn't get lost on my way home. Thanks Megan for the directions. I am definitely not a street smart person and definitely do not have a sense of direction! Hahahaha, talked to Marcus on my way home. He was bowling so maybe that's why he didn't reply to the 4th or 5th message. Nevermind la, let him bowl. This lucky ass has no exams tomorrow according to Nisha. No wonder. Anwyays, then messaged Gladys but she doing Maths so don't disturb her. So listened to Fall Out Boy on my way home lor. Can't believe I took 1 1/4 hours to get home! ARRR!!! Lousy la!
Gonna eat soon then have to study Chinese. Have to burn mid-night oil le. Die la... Chinese sure fail.
Sunday, April 29, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Hey hey, blogging cause it's currently 12.41am on my clock and I damn sian. Nothing to do so blog lor. Finding sugarcult songs but cannot find leh!!! Cannot rip from the CD cause I accidentally deleted the CD ripper. I'm retarded. I know!!! *sigh* dont wanna take my meds! Hate taking meds! But what can I do? Can't sleep.... ARRRR!!!! Have to go megan's house later for drama. Meeting Sarah & Aishah. Can't remember what time though.... 2 or 3 i think. Don't know la. Wanna ask aishah but dont think she online now. Wanna call but my mum confirm nag on & on one la... Morning than call.... (: Damn sian la. Waiting for Lovell to finish bathing than can talk (:
Sunday, April 29, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Went to piano in the morning. IT WAS UTTER CRAP LA! Play until my shoulders were aching! Cramped all over la!!! And the worse thing is... I HAD TO GO HOME AFTER PIANO! Sh*t la!!! Nothing could be worse than that in my life! ARRR!!!!
Can't believe I had to house chores too! You'll never see me do house chores on the weekends! Especially when my parents are home! BUT my parents are not at home because they needed to work! And the F*CKING B*TCH made use of that to get all lazy and bossy! WTF la!!! She's an ASS-HOLE!!! But I think the word ass-hole cannot be used to describe her as it would be an insult to the word. I don't think the word motherf*cker can be used too... not even fatherf*cker (if there is such a word)! Maybe grandfather f*cker!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
Bitch la she!
Anyways, I ate chocolate muffin!!!

"yummy yummy yummy, I've got cho'late i tummy!"
Lovell stole back his phone for awhile when his mum when out. Didn't put my phone on silent when I slept so I saw his message. Don't worry la Lovell, my shoulders are fine. They're always like that when I paly the piano for too long. (: Don't worry ok? I'll take good care of myself ok? OK!!! (:
Did a bit of Art prep work in the afternoon after I woke up. I think the whole idea's stupid! ART examintions' damn-ed!!! I just don't see why there's an art exam! I can't even draw! My drawing sucks! And we have to do stupid mind maps and write ups! HELL LA! And all I did today was just half of the mind map and this :

Not really constructve but it's not that bad! (:
Currently watching A Haunting on discovery channel and I've finally found a nice skin that is connected to Music!!! YAY!! But wanna put Ice Pond as the song for the skin, but the song's only half! Wanna upload the file on but i lazy now... so later lor! So people, now listen to Jay Chou first!!! (:
Going to church tomorrow, no one to talk to in church since Lovell has no phone. If Sara comes got 1 more person to talk to besides Nisha!!! (: Don't wanna talk to L---. She's a whore! ARRR!!! Can gossip about her with Nisha!!! HAHAHA!!! And oh yar that reminds me... MARCUS! DON'T SAY A WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks (: you're nice (:
Then going to Megan's house at 3pm for drama. Stupid drama exam! Why can't it be after the Mid-year exams? That reminds me! I need to finsih drama reflections! SH*T LA!!!! don't want to do!!!!!!!! ): O.O
Saturday, April 28, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 27, 2007
English confirm fail le!!!! Situational writing had to feature only one student and I featured 2!!! KAN-NI-NA SAI!!!!! HELL la!!! Fail! Cannot fail English! I wanna go class 306! Sh*t la!!! Damn la! FAIL FAIL FAIL!!! Stupid Gladys, keeping saying "Don't say that word la!"
Gladys, please la... I cannot stop saying that word ever since that stupid arguement with Ryan, which I forgave him for... "See! I'm so nice! - NOT!" Hahahaha...
During RE, Miss S talked about the "white, stretchy thing" and phoebe and I just couldn't stop laughing! But it's cool, I'm over it. Not sure if Phoebe is (:
Then Phoebe had a big problem with her ball. HAHAHA! She nearly pushed me off the stage! MAN SHE'S ROUGH! hahaha, just joking (: Anyways, I didn't think Phoebe wanted her ball back after where's it's been. I don't wanna say. Jsut thinking about it is already so wrong. And after RE, Diane POKED my face with a permenant marker! Using the sharper tip! DIANE!!! But it's ok.... It's not as bad as Phoebe's. HAHAHA!
No badminton training today!!! CONFIRM WILL LOSE TOUCH! die die!!! HELL LA! But on the bright side, I played piano for 2 straight hours! Finally some peace and quiet from the b*tch at home!
And I cannot help but feel guilty! Lovell's phone got confiscated by his mum! And I cannot help but feel guilty because I message him way WAY too TOO much!!! Sorry!!! ): SORRY!!! ); When you get your phone back, let's not talk so much ok? That way we can still talk to each other can not get in trouble (: Anyways... SORRY! ):
Nothing is ever right on FRIDAYS!!! >.< !!!
Friday, April 27, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Just stopping by...
I cannot help feeling guilty! Sorry Lovell about your phone!!! All because of me messaging you too much! When you get back your phone, maybe we should cut down a bit on the messaging, that way we can still talk to each other (: SO SO SORRY ):
Anyways... my dadday bought ICE CREAM!!! Haven't eaten it in DAYS!!! Yum Yum!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
no badminton nothing to do at home leh!!!! KANA SAI!
Hate going home after school! Have to see the bitch's dreadful face! That woman's a f*cker!
anyways... damn sian nothing to blog le.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hahaha, poor Bella. Her tagboard full of rubbish caused by us during IT! But come to think of it... It was not that bad cause we all had fun!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
The people behind all the tags =
Belle's admirer: Diane, Eva, Aishah
Lover: Phoebe
Real admirer: Amanda
and course...
Belle: Iona, Belle
Hahaha, damn cute la!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Hey hey hey!!!! Now having IT lessons!
Hahahaha! During Chinese, thunder raid the sky. Scary la, and all Lovell could say to me is "relax gal, I'm here. Don't scared. Is it that scary? It's only BOOM BOOM BOOM!" F.Y.I Lovell, boom boom boom is scary! Sounds like a bomb! (: Hahahaha! Nevermind (:
Damn sian la now! IT don't know what Mr F wants us to do. I only know he said something about storyboarding. LOL! My group finish already so got nothing to do la! Megan doing something on the computer, Diane reading Phoebe's blog, don't know what aishah & eva doing on the computer. Waiting for Lovell... Very sian! Wanna change my blog skin! Change something to related to music (:
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Heeheehee, now having project work. Nothing to do so blog lor!!! Anyways, yesterday i damn super "guai" la! Suddenly had the urge to do all my homework. Yup I know i'm nuts!!! (: Anyways, couldn't stop messaging my new friend Lovell! Hahaha... who calls me dumb dumb. I admit it anyways, I am an extremely retarded person anyways, so I don't care! Anyways, homework, messaging. Homework, messaging. Messaging Lovell & Nisha non-stop. Hahaha... don't know what crap Nisha talking the whole time. But as for me & Lovell, we were talking constructive crap! SO, it's ok! (: Anyways, at night I got mood swing la! One minute happy, one mintue angry... but under the spell of chocolates, I was able to become to my normal self! (: Couldn't stop talking to Lovell, don't know why! (: Anyways, wwant him to sleep early so he promised to start counting sheep as soon as I sleep(: LOL!
He say I cute, I say he super cute!!!!!!!!!!! (:
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, April 22, 2007
today went to church! Late because my mum didn't wanna drive to church! Hahaha, so much fun in church la! Except for the fact that I had to be worried that Marcus told Lisabeth about what I said!!! MARCUS, KEEP THAT TO YOURSELF! anyways, made a new friend yesterday! HAHAHA, "you sound like a kid"... quoted by Lovell (my new friend!) LOL! Anyways, like messaging him the whole day la! Anyways, went with my parents to don't know what Australian talk this afternoon from 2 plus to 4.15pm! Napped a bit, damn boring la. I guess my parents are serious about migrating to Australia about the 'O' levels! NO!!!! Anyways, the talk was at Hotel Rendenzvous! Nice hotel!!! Hate the coffee! The coffee was like BLAH! An insult to coffee! But it wasn't the hotel's fault, IT'S THE SUPPLIERS FAULT, THE PRODUCERS FAULT! (at least i think they're call producers)
Went to suntec after the talk to buy FBT shorts & Surfer's paradise shorts. Wanted to buy sunglasses but didn't bring enough. Ate chocolate sundae too, i wanted strawberry though... but it's ok (: After shopping, went home, now currently talking to Lovell on MSN (: so blog another time!!! (:
Stuff I bought today:
And presenting... " Red Voda voda"!!!! my oily cheeks too! (need to change my soap! )
Actually it's Ribena... Sick of drinking water all the time (:
Sunday, April 22, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 20, 2007
Today was a boring day, well in the morning at least. Took a family photo for the SI family too, damn cute la!!! Made cheese cake to day!!! AND God it tasted GOOD! Hahahaha!!!!!
And during Home Econs, "Aishah I'm still shaking at what you said! Like what Yun hui said, "I'm having second thoughts." And what Bella said about the 2 ppl thing. She's right!"
Anyways, went to badminton after school. Gladys & iona didn't go because of D&T! So poor thing! Went to macs for lunch with Weeling! She keep talking crap la!!! But who can blame her? Everyone talks crap some point in time right? So I talked to the wonderful Nisha "hai ren" on the phone until training started! :)
Went back to badminton at about 3.40pm after lunch. Coach didn't allow us to play until about 4.05pm for food to digest! Hahahaha forgot about that! :) Weeling handed her beloved racket to coach to re-string. Lucky girl didn't have to carry her racket home. Couldn't decide if I wanted to re-string or not. But decided to not to re-string after all, my racket is string's still thight. Wanna buy new Muscle Power 28! But don't wanna waste money. See if Eddie wants to give me his racket for Cheers tournament.
Anyways, with out Gladys, no one went home with me! So sad! ): Hahahaha! But it's ok, at least she finished her D&T workpiece. Don't know about Iona though, hope she finished hers too! Anyways, my maid went to don't know where after I came home. And poor me saw left all alone! Had to do stuff though, but I didn't feel really comfortable. Maybe it was because of what Aishah tell us during home econs! ARRR!!!! Scary la!!!
And Lovell, well done for your violin exam!!! Hahahaha!!!!! (:
And Nisha, do more stretches before playing badminton with damn hyper Marcus Chua! He too hyper la! And he actually play badminton that well? Anyways, just becareful. Otherwise no one will talk to me in church besides Sara! ):
And malachi! CUT YOUR HAIR!!!! MOHAWK IS NO LONGER A NICE HAIRSTYLE ON YOU! And do you seriously think you can gel your hair up on Leon's wedding??? Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, April 15, 2007
LALALALA!!! Went for badminton again!!! This time at Ubi CC cause upper Sec went to Safara Tampines. Went to Ubi CC in Weeling's dad's taxi... Mdm C got herself a ride home from him too! LOL! Well at the CC, Weeling & I had to go to Mdm C's house to take shuttle cocks & shorts for Terri who in the end didn't turn up. Anyways, Coach Tan siad that the shuttle cocks from Mdm C's house wasn't enough so Mrs H drove me back to school to take shuttle cocks, the whole box of shuttle cock. While in the car, Mrs Ho was like asking a lot of cute questions la! At badminton also! LOL! Damn cute la!!!
Well, after badminton, I went home alone! So sad!!! Lovell didn't wanna see me!
Sunday, April 15, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Well, Eva's 14 years old! Happy birthday!
Anyways, had piano today! Finally I got to do theory this week! It seemed so long since I did thoery!!! ARRR!!! Met my mum at parkway who then told me that she had only about $10 in her pockets cause she didn't bring her wallet with her! LOL! But i had money! She thought I was broke, didn't expect me to have money! But in the end, I didn't get to use a single cent of my money! How sad!
Saturday, April 14, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Well, it was a usually day a school if I can remember...
Don't think that there was any test.
Went for badminton as usually...
Iona didn't have to go... Lucky girl
training was fun until the ANTS invaded our bag area!
Somehow, Hai Xiang decided to show his face after quite a long time of not showing up to train us. Maybe it had to something to do with juniors. I don't know! I just don't understand how the Sec 1s can call Hai Xiang "boy boy". LAME LA! Anyways, back to badminton, King Kong made us run before going home! And unfortunately, I had a cramped calf muscle! Freaking pain la! Gladys told me to go back to the bags so Weeling & Gladys continued running while I tired to walk back. But I couldn't walk so I waited for them to U-turn back and then I go back with them, Weeling fell during training & pain "overwhelmed" her so both of us went back into the sports hall while the rest continued running. HAHAHA! Weeling told coach her back got problem and guess what! Coach replied "Go tournament need at least 2 rackets"... -.- And I was like "what does Weeling's back pain got to do with rackets & the tournament???" -.- Anyways, Coach then helped Weeling massage the painful area and she was complaining like HELL! Coach couldn't take it so did the same thing on me and asked me how it felt and honestly, there was not feeling.
After badminton, I checked my handphone and saw Iona's message. She saw Ryan at Bedok Interchange! I was like freakin' MAD LA! Bad enough I'm trying to get over the whole argument between Lovell & Ryan... She still mention the name to me!!! I GOT DAMN IRRITATED LA! But I don't blame Iona, she didn't know! (: So I don't really care...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hahaha, today school damn
FUN la!!! Mr Meyer's hated word!
FUN!!!! Anyways, it's
FUN because it's
Easter Monday! Which means...
EASTER EGGS!!!! I couldn't find any easter eggs so I gave easter balls, a.k.a Golden Balls, a.k.a Ferrero Rocher!!! But the easter balls were only for my mortal, Belicia... I gave 16 people Taberone I think I spelt it wrongly but
Anyways, guess who was my angel?
AISHAH!! Gosh!! So unexpected! LOL! And I even said that I wanted to box my angel for not giving my letter... (:
HAHAHA! Sorry, I've got anger management problems (:
Anyways, during assembly... Aishah, Phoebe, Megan, Bella, Yun Hui, Qing Yu & I were like super high la during the sing-a-long with the KC Girl Guides Choir. Don't know what "Chek Chek Golek" where Aishah & Diane "danced"! Me, Bella & Yun Hui damn retarded & high too!!! Swaying, clapping & laughing non-stop! (:
Went home after school, went through Literature notes given by Mr Cheese! Aishah's sexy Mr Cheese... HAHAHA (: Anyways, I cannot stop laughing on the mistakes people make okay!!!
DAMN FUNNY LA! Lovell was laughing on the phone with me!
*Note that the below spelling are
1. burrow form Shylock
2. He was also himself
3. hatrate between Antonio & Shylock
4. Christain-Christen Society
5. Shylock remin firm
6. single dip of blood
7. critisise, critising
8. Bassanio has passed the casket tnese
9. Portia which was disguished
10. Maybe because of her daughter Jessica
11. opportunity to revenge on ANTONIA!!!
12. who only have fun & enjoy he company
13. Portia was talking about how unhappy Portia was
14. When he & Antonio are having trail on court
15. hijacked at sea
16. This is extremely bias
17. ruinning Shylocks bissness
18. Both religious pray to the same god
19. Shylock sees Chirstians
20. Anto with forfeit
21. his anger is boiling & finally now it can explode
22. why he wants fleash so badly
23. using the opportungtity
24. revenge for all that tortue
25. Shylock would have not gained anything but would have no lost
26. although Antonio's ship did wrecked Shylock was at at a lost
27. would cause the person to suffer sevre blood-loss
28. and neither did Antonio respected his religion
29. Portia have to disguise to a lowyer
30. pay him back double of the money that Antonio own Shylock
31. Shylock is meraless
32. Bassanio is a wonderful lover beacuse he knows what women want
and that's just one of the two papers!!!
Monday, April 09, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Hey!!! I'm back!!! Anyways, woke up at 9.30am today because Sara Zhao SMSed. "Are you coming to church?" "Come okay? I came only to find that there's no class" So I showered and went to church lor!
Stupid LISABETH! The Loser didn't want to wait for me to come before going into church.
WANNA SLAP HER FACE! Sat with Sara cause she didn't want to sit near her parents. And I didn't want to sit with Lisabeth cause her mum was behind and if I sat with her, I couldn't use the phone. But even though I didn't sit with Lisabeth, Joseph (catechism teacher) caught me using the phone when he walked by during Holy Communion. But who cares? Joseph's not scary.
It's John that's scary... (:
Went home after church. I swear
I'm damn retarded la! Was at entrance of the church when I realised I missed bus 197 on one side of the road. So I waited at the traffic light to cross the road & take bus 30. But while waiting at the traffic light, bus 30 passed by & I missed the bus!!! @: So I didn't cross the road and decided to wait for bus 197. Then waited for 10 minutes, bus 197 wasn't coming, then I saw Marcus Chua's friend, God knows what's his name... Sara hates him, I'm not that sure though. Anyways, he crossed the road. He stays in the same block as me so ya, I crossed the road la! After crossing the road, BUS 197 CAME! OMG! Now I hated Marcus' friend. Actually... not really, I hate myself even more!!!!! ): So I didn't move anymore. I stayed put at bus 30 bus stop! And I actually saw
2 bus 197 pass by!!!! OMG! I hate myself a lot la!!! Anyways, bus 30 came... so went home lor!Went to visit my grandma at 3pm at the old folks home. She damn cute la! She couldn't remember my name so my dad told her my name saw Crazy Girl in Cantonese! But thank God my grandma's smart! She actually called my dad Crazy Hin (he's name) HAHAHAHA!!! I was like laughing non-stop! I video-ed it! I wanted to put it on YouTube but it's a bit too soft so I'm still considering...
After visiting my grandma, I went to Singapore post with Lovell to look for EASTER EGGS!!! AND OH YAR!!!
HAPPY EASTER!!!! But without luck. Got a lift home from Lovell's brother, Louis... And Lovell Lim (LL), Lovell the Loser (LL), Lousy Loser(LL)... took my phone without me knowing la!!! And starting taking pictures without me knowing. saying "these are the candid pictures of the cute girl". But I'll put the picture up later cause now too late already...Anyways, I've finished all homework except English. Lost the paper English teacher gave us so go to school then do the English homework lor!!! So tired!!! But seeing that Jason regained the part of his memory where I used to be in!!! So HAPPY LA!!!JASON REMEMBERS ME!!! But the
BURNING question is ... does he remember Jenin?
Pictures taken by me:
[me & Grandma]
[me & Dad]
[my beloved Zen Neeon 2]
[My mum feeding Grandma]
Pictures taken by Lovell:
[MY LEGS!] (:
Sunday, April 08, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Gosh, the result of not practising your piano - playing the piano for the entire lesson. Boo hoo! ): Went to Sim Lim Tower & Sim Lim Square after piano with Lovell... forgot to take pictures... sorry (: HAHAHA!!! Went home in time to watch the 5pm show on channel U on Saturdays... forgot the name, crap la! The one with Senwell's GM... Anyways, went to church at 8.15pm which ended at 11.45pm. And surprisingly, I could still fit into last year's class tee shirt so I wore it to church!!! HAHAHA!!! Anyways, I was laughing throughout the WHOLE church! Nisha & I, laughing & LAUGHING and LAUGHING!!!! >.< color="#ff0000">Mum: FEN! enough ar!!! so late already!
Stefanie: Ar, guys, i need to go now, my mum has a curfew...Everyone on the phone: Oh.. ok bye...Dad: Did you have to embarrass her in front of her friends?Who cares? I don't! Plus I'm a bit guilty cause I'm blogging right now in my jeans! Hahaha!!! And I'm still trying to find
ORIGINAL Sherwood songs on (:
Saturday, April 07, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, April 06, 2007
HEY PEEPS! damn high today, cause i slept till 10.30am!!! It's been a long time since I've woke up that late!!! YAY me!!! and sorry for not blogging for a long long time people! Sorry!
Went home after a day of tiring school, i mean every single day of school is tiring & sleepy! You can even sleep in class, like Grace!!! HAHAHA!!! Didn't have to go badminton that day! Went back to school at 6pm, went to Raffles Jubilee Hall to watch Oliver Twist!!! Hahaha! So cute la!!!! The show was spectacular!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAAHA!!!
Slept for one of the lessons in school again! (:
It's not my fault that we're so tired and that the lessons are so boring! Went for badminton after school!!!! YAY!!! I swear my arm had a BIG problem! Couldn't play badminton properly, so all of us ended up playing a fool!!! Standing on the chair like coach! HAHAHAHA!!! Gladys almost fell, Cher Hui almost fell, I almost fell! Damn hilarious la!!! Went home at 4.30pm because of Holy Thursday, had to go to church. You an't expect me to go to church in FBT shorts right? It's allowed but I don't wanna show of my thunder thighs (: So went home to shower & change! CHIONG! Had only 15 minutes to shower, change, accessorise & find the right shoes!!!! CHIONG!!!!!! Sat with Nisha in church! So fun la! Gossiping instead of listening to homily (: Gossiping on the sissy-fied guy all of us know... (hint: starts with a M)
The start of today was GREAT!!!!!!! Because... when I woke up, I didn't see her face!!! NOT AT ALL!!! (: When to church in black shirt... duh! Good Friday, Jesus died on the cross... And yet I can still see people wearing orange & pink. One example- Diona Teo, KCP, Primary 6. And she's still as short as ever. I notice that as the years go by, the Primary 6s are getting shorter & shorter.... (: Anyways, i saw Miss Chia (KCP) too! With her boyfriend I think... or is it her hubby??? I don't so... Went to marine parade after church, I was three-quarters fasting so i ate... (: What to do? I didn't eat breakfast! So went to Popular bookstore with my Dad while my Mum went to I DONT KNOW WHERE to buy flowers. Went to the temple in Balestier, to see my grandpa's picture and Aunty Jenny's picture too... you should know what I mean. And next to the christian cemetry at Choa Chu Kang to visit Aunty Jenny's grave. It's sad! Very sad! She died before I was born. But form what I heard, she's a very kind, caring and pretty lady. It must be true as I can see these characteristics in her duaghter, Annette. And the wierd thing is she died on
11 September in a car accident. The date, it's just so coincidental! Now back home, blogging, finding Sean's friendster profile... Saw Elva's profile, and Edmund's profile.
PS: Elva, i still think my friend's cuter than your friend! (: HAHAHAHAHA (:
Anyways, tomorrow is Holy Saturday! But still have piano!!! But nevermind, I've practiced a bit. Shouldn't have a problem with Miss Wong I hope (:
Friday, April 06, 2007 how do i live without you . Y