Saturday, March 31, 2007
GOsh!!! I just can't believe that i'm still sick!!!!
ARRR!!!!!! damn irritating la!!! ~.~ It's like almost the whole class' sick!!! GOD!!! Suppose to be on
MC yesterday but Santa Claus wannabe was like "if you don't come to school, your Literature test & Home econs test will be a
Zero!" OMG la!!! Unfair!!!! Can't rest, so went for school lor!!! and went for Badminton as well...
Badminton was fun, except for the part with physical training! Oh God!!! Coach was like "Stefanie, be careful ar, jump higher, not forward" "go step by step" Had to do physical training because Sec 1s were using the court!
ARRR!!!! AND THE SEC 1s DIDN'T DO PHYSICAL TRAINING!!!! unfair!! Had piano today, 1 and a half hours of piano without theory!!!! ARRR!!! No theory, AGAIN! unfair!!! I just very unlucky this week... still coughing!
Have church tomorrow in the morning - Palm Sunday & got cathechism too
Having project work meeting in my house at 1.30pm with Jia hua, Rebekah & Natalie...
Haven't even started on the project!!! -.-!
Hahaha, kept posponing the meeting because of CCA! HAHAHAH!!!
Saturday, March 31, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
ARRR!!!! Very bored now!!! Don't know what to do la!!! In the computer lab now for project work... damn tired la!!! My eyes can barely open la!!!! Don't know why today my eyes & throat damn painful!!! Unbearable!!!!! ARRR!!!!!!!!
Hate project work!!! Damn bored!!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Gosh!! Today was like tiring la!!! Woke up late for church! so sad, couldn't sleep anymore!!! ):
Well, Marcus didn't show his face in church... guess he didn't have "face" to see me (:
My throat damn pain today la!!! Had to drink hot water all day... apparently only hot water feels good going down my throat. Not cold water, not warm, not barley, but hot water! Damn pain la! Didn't want to go out after church today so didn't follow Nisha to Parkway, hahaha (: Gladys was at parkway also. Maybe I didn't go because i didn't want to hear her laughter!!! (:
Hahaha, just joking Gladys (:
Shit la!!!!
MY THROAT DAMN PAIN!!!! ARRRRR!!!!!PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, March 25, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, March 24, 2007
god! super tired la!
Woke up this morning got fever till 38 degrees! God! damn high la! So went to shower in damn cold water! But no use lor, temperature was like still the same! So took 2 panadol pills.
Went to piano at 12pm, got stiff neck from playing it for 1-and-a-1/2 hours! Then waited for my parents to pick me up for 20 - 30 miutes. Then 1 second after i got into the car, the car got into an accident. DAMN UNLUCKY la!!! URGH!!! My neck like damn pain after it la. Had to take taxi to Raffles Town club for Veronica's birthday PARTY! $8.30! God, i thought it would be like $10 plus! But i guess i'm wrong.
So fun at the party la, met Angie & Jing yi at the entrance. Unexpectedly, met Marcus at the swimming pool & the arcade & the bowling alley & the harmony room & at the movie theatre... WHAT A SMALL WORLD!!! Everyone got so high when we were playing the mini table soccer machine! specially karin! Hahaha! >.< class="blsp-spelling-corrected" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">syllable of the song!
Had a blast la!But don't know whether i can go to church tomorrow, i'm losing my voice & i can barely keep my head up! ~.~!!! Die la!
Saturday, March 24, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, March 23, 2007
OMFG!!! damn unlucky today la!!! First, prize giving. Gosh, it's ok that we didn't 1st for the poetry race, project runway, or even spelling because of the reader's poor pronunciation, but for class decorations; a
are you kidding me? that just sucks!!! We worked so hard for it! Even coming back during our March Holidays when we can be watching a movie or just going on a shopping spree!!! And guess WHAT! The winner's deco wasn't as good as ours! Sorry if I'm becoming a bit to thick-skinned ~.~ ... It's like all of Diane's, Gladys', Aishah's, Bella's, Veronica's, Eva's & My efforts all down the drain. But not really down the drain. Just feels very empty & very dissatisfied!!!!
Then the next unlucky thing happened. Karin & I found Phoebe's eye drops, Karin passed it to Grace & both of us wanted to return it to Phoebe, when we returned to her, like after 1 minute, the very skinny person, who apparently has only worked in this school for 2 years (according to my beloved mum), she walked up to the upper staff room, and like after 3-5 minutes later, she came out... she accused us of being outside for more than 10 minutes la!!!
Which is, to her, called trauncy. B*ITCH!!! HATER!!! >..< My mum rocks!
My mum was like "if you have seen them the first time when you were walking up, you should have given them a warning, and NOT to choose not to do anything until you walk out of the staff room!" Well i must add that I was in the wrong to sit on the stairs, but ALL of US really intended to go back ASAP! Well, we couldn't really exactly because of the very skinny person! B*TCH!!! My mum was like "Fen (me), you don't have to worry, you shouldn't get punished for doing a good deed".
So cute la my mum!
After school went to church, THANK GOD i didn't see Ryan Tay in church or we would have stood SO close to me... I think he's very nice, but i kinda got the so-called "weird" vibe from him! ;D Hahaha, i got that kind of feeling...
Friday, March 23, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
ARRR!!!!!SO FREAKING IRRITATING!!! DUMB COMPUTER! DONT KNOW WHY! just now i typed my post, and when i click publish, everything went
ERROR, cannot publish! DAMN IT LA!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hey, went to vivo city yesterday with Cairyn & Grace to watch the movie "I'm a Cyborg but that's ok". We met in the train & these two people - VERY IRRITATING! i came into the train and i see both of them wearing black! And i'm the dumb sore thumb standing out!!! Grace was wearing a black shirt & a black skirt. Cairyn was wearing a black shirt & her blue levis jeans, I... red top, pink pull over & white skirt!!!! I was sore thumb la!!!!
After getting off the train, Cairyn was like always getting lost! She was always out of our sight and Grace & I would have to go "Where did Cairyn go?" And we'll be like "Ohh, she's here! -.-!
Then at vivo, freakin' cold like santa's home la!!! We went straight to Golden village to buy the tickets la,the freakin' person won't let us buy the tickets cause it was NC16! But the movie isn't violent at all la! Neither is it scary!!! SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!!!
Then we had a problem deciding on another movie to watch & we reluctantly chose "Just Follow Law" which turned out to be qutie good! HAHAHA!!! ^.^
After buying the tickets, we went to Burger King for lunch and then we went window shopping at TopShop & River Island. And we saw my badminton seniors Kelly & Alicia at TopShop. So cute la! >.< After the movie, we went a bit of shopping. Then we went to the Pet Shop as Cairyn requested because she wanted to see her husbands, boyfriends & misters(as in mistresses). We saw Ezone & Grace was so excited to go!!!! But when we went in, "let's go..." -.- After everything, it was time to head home!!!! So sad! ~.~ So sad!!!!! But it's ok, cause when i got home... have maid didn't make me do anything!!!! YEAH! So i got to make out with my piano for ONE FULL HOUR! before Hanakimi!!! YEAH!!! And i got to finish My maths! YEAH! HATE HOMEWORK! :P I HATE IT TO THE CORE!!!! HATE MY RESULTS TO THE CORE!!! my parents are like pestering me to read newspapers la!!! My mother cannot think positively!
Mum: go 'N' levels than you know!Stefanie: ok la! Can think positively or not?Mum: come from English speaking family & you can score so low?!Must read more liao!!! Cannot go NA! Must go Sec 3/6!
Looking forward to tomorrow's BBQ!!!
Poor Ryan & Scott have to baby sit tomorrow for their aunt...
Poor Justin got training tomorrow...
Poor Steven too tired to go out tomorrow (he's BACK!)
Poor me have to go to school tomorrow... but it's better than staying at home and putting on weight with chocolate & ice cream (:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, March 03, 2007
My Mother is so super la! Can shop for more than 1/2 an hour to buy just 1 pair of shoes! And at 8pm, she has to go back to parkway to change the size! Gosh! Damn weird la! I was like a sitting duck looking at her, so stupid la! Never bring my sudoku book anyway...
Like what the hell today! As soon as i was walking towards the entrance of the piano studio, the chinese lion with all the drums & cymbols blasting in my ear la! Gosh! I had to wait like 10 minutes till the lion sat to peel the oranges. Lame la! During a lion dance, i've heard of peeling oranges, but never throwing red chilli! LOL! That was cute (:
I walked behind the lion to get into class la! Than Dominic was in class with Miss Wong, hiding until the cymbols stopped. Cause he's scared of the lions, and thank god he left before the lion came into every single room in the studio. [: He would have screamed & cried! (: [i've seen that before] The lion came in to the room just before i could rest my fingers on the piano keys! The lion messed up my HAIR!!!! god! i had to run to the toilet after class cause i didn't there to walk out with bad hair! Irritating Lion! It smelled like oranges & incense. After it left, Miss Wong & I just started laughing! Miss Wong "claims" she was frightened, i DOUBT it! She was like smiling non-stop! How can that be frightened? (: So funny la!
And now i'm currently listening to my current favourite song; The Town that You Live In - Sherwood. And here's a quick fact for you; did you know that it is so hard to find this song? But I've found it so YAY ME!!! still can't find a suitable blogskin for my blog! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO FRUSTRATING! (: Nightz peeps! (((:
Saturday, March 03, 2007 how do i live without you . Y