Sunday, February 25, 2007
Hey people! Long time never post pictures liao! =']
I finally had the patience to upload the pictures from my PDA phone,
but the pictures are a bit blur, so sorry!
Most of the pictures date as back as November 5! HaHaHa!
So i'm gonna show the pictures from 2006 then to 2007.
[My 13th birthday celebration at home!]
[My mum's birthday celebration at home]
[At work, during december holidays.
Helping my mum clear all her paper work.
So boring la! Just look at my hair!
Can tell i was sleeping!]
At the friendship park in Sarawak, Kuching;
[My aunt & my cousins Angeline
Andrea & Sarah (in order of age)]
[andrea & sarah to save the day!]
[The roof of the water fountain]
[The great, big statue at the park]
[The Wishing well of the park]
[Inside the well]
[My coin!]
[The fishies at the park]
[The very nice resting area at the park]
At my aunt's house;
[Adeline Jie with Ploffie lazing around in the house]
[Taken by Andrea, Me & My Sparkling jucie.
Not fair! I want bloody mary!]
[My uncle's beloved "mistress"
[andrea fooling around.
Hope she didn't get her saliva
on my phone!
Let's check... Nope! =') ]
[Taken by me in the bathroom mirror, So freakin' weird la!
My hair! I look like a monkey!]
At the famous Cat Museum;
[Sarah, Andrea & Me]
[Sarah & Me]
[Andrea & Sarah]
When shopping;
[Andrea looks as if she's gonna kill me!]
At my aunt's birthday;
[My gramps]
[The birthday girl in pink]
And a word of advice,
don't drink carbonated drinks if you've bit on extremely spicy chilli!
You will definitely regret! That's what happened to me!
I thought my iced coke could cool my down,
but i ended up tearing real badly that everyone could tell i need iced cool water.
HaHaHa!!! So embarrasing! ='(
But i dont really mind, i some how enjoy crying.
I dont know why =']!
In the car;
[Taken by sarah,
but i think i look dumb in it!]
[Taken by Scott, on the way to vivo...
i look so pale!!!
Should have put on lip gloss!]
[Celebrating Ryan Chan's birthday...
Picture taken by Scott]
That's all for now, the next time i go online then i show you guys the rest ok?
OK! =')!
Sunday, February 25, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
God! Today got badminton la!!! Gosh! Quite Fun la! Today got the 2.4km retest, i wanted to take, but i was like damn lazy so i decided to do it next week! When I was like cheering everyone who was taking the retest, I kinda remember how my running "coaches" train me! Gosh! So funny & cute la! At east coast park, they would pretend that they cannot run well & they always run behind me. But whenever i stop, they would run from behind, then grabbing my hand saying "no stopping", they would pull me as they ran backwards (they were facing me). They were like super cute la! But i feel so so bad when Scott got injured when he banged a bicycle! (it actually reminds me of ME!) Gosh! He got injured because of me! So sorry! ='[
At the Marine Parade Community Centre la... It was so freakin'ly funny la! During break, Gladys, Weeling & I went to Cafe Galilee to buy drinks. Gladys bought Ice Chocolate, Weeling bought chocolate truffle & I bought Strawberry Smoothie! Weeling, don't know how she eat la! Can choke on the chocolate truffle lor!!! Gladys also! But I, damn pro! Never choke at all!!! And when just don't understand why people, particularly boys, don't reply to any of my messages today! Scottie didn't, RyanChanie didn't, Justin didn't, Marcus didn't! So bad la!
HaHaHa! Anyways, today badminton so slack today la! Don't konw why Iona never go. So freakin'ly fun la! Get to play with the Sec 1s la! So fun! But then suddenly got freakin' muscle pull la! Gosh! Damn pain la! It felt like a knife was like stabbing my leg for 20 mins la! God! Damn pain la! Then when we get to go back, it was still hurting! Walking to bus, walking to church, and even in church it was like freakin' painful la!!!! Gosh! Met Iona & Qingyu across the road. By the way, iona, you are one lucky girl. And i also met Yunhui on the bus! Heehee! And i too met Ryan on the bus. But this Yunhui! So mean! Say Ryan very *$*$*$*$*$*$*$*$*! (Ryan Tay, not Ryan Chan) So mean ok! I think Ryan's (tay) a very nice and sweet guy. He seems very quiet in the public though... but Ryan Chan is a weirdo! But he's a very sweet weirdo! HaHaHa!
Gosh! My leg still hurts la! I think it was a very stupid & retarded idea to put salonpas on my leg! (idea by Ryan Chan! Dumb ass!) Loser! I used iPamper on my leg! But it still hurts a bit. If it still hurts tomorrow, most probably i might not go badminton tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, February 19, 2007
Hey! Today's the second day of chinese new year! And i had a party a my house! Well, all from my mum's side. So cute la! My cousins Andrea & Sarah! They would never fail to wear matching attires! HaHaHa! And today, their dresses were so cute la!!! But they changed into tees & shorts in my room and start playing!!! YAY!!! =']
Damn fun la! We played musical statues, passing the parcel, scissors paper stone (hands & legs version) and we rebonded our hair; temporarily. There were 4 girls & 1 boy! So Bjorn, being the only boy, rebonded his hair too! HaHaHa! And again like the previous gathering during last year's national day, there were sparks in the air! Not only fireworks in the sky, but fireworks between Bjorn & Andrea!! Gosh! So loving la! The sweet romantic guy was carrying her in the air, i wonder if they would marry each other! HeeHee! Even Elva has prove to support this statement! But i can't post the picture today. Maybe next time. With a comparison too! HaHaHa! Then, when we were scissors; paper; stone, Andrea & I were playing, having a great time! When I was losing, Bjorn was cheering her on. When Andrea was losing, he tried to catch her whenever she was going to fall! So loving! And when i ask him why he never support me, his answer was, "because she's my dear cousin!" And i was thinking "ain't I his cousin too?"
So funny la!
Monday, February 19, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hey! Today damn fun la! Except for the fact that my hair was beyond control!
Went to church in the morning, sat with Alexia and Lisabeth. (no offence, but Lisabeth, you shouldn't wear like that! Look like a p_________!)Anyways, Marcus Chua so cute la! He wore a red checkered shirt to church! He look so cute and naive! HaHaha! He told me that he would wear like that next week if i liked it! Hahaha! So cute la! But he's really naughty! I went to church wearing an orange shirt from mango, after getting oranges from the priest, guess what marcus sent to me? "No offence, but now you have 4 oranges!" God! Damn naughty la!!!!!
Anyways, after church we went to my first uncle's house (my dad's side), WoW! Damn fun la! Mostly because i could understand most of the things they said! HaHaHa! Well, almost everyone was there except for Sean & his dad, and my other 2 cousins. A lot of people change lor!!!! Marcus Lau; thinner, taller & much more handsome than the last time i saw him (which was last Chinese New Year), Pei Pei; prettier, thinner & more lady-like than the last time i saw her (which was i don't know when)! I was really hoping to see what Sean looked like now! About 3 years since the last time i saw him face-to-face! Gosh!!! And sorry, no pictures! Forgot to bring my camera! Sorry! I damn dumb la! And no one was taking pictures anyways...
Talked to Gladys, Justin, Scott, Ryan on the phone. Gladys was in the gym, Justin was in the badminton hall, Scott & Ryan also at the gym trying to get more muscles! (i guess they are not happy with their current muscles)=']! And i also learn an interesting fact about Gladys! HaHaHa!!!!
But after visiting damn bored la! No Mp3 to record songs, internet was down in the afternoon, there was nothing on TV... so i to result in testing tibits for my mum lor! ~.~ Lame la!!! Confirm will grow fatter by 2kg! Comfirm!!!
Sunday, February 18, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Saturday, February 17, 2007
God!!! X, Y & Z are all ****ing control freaks!!!! Freak la!!! I don't want this anymore! I can't take this anymore! I don't want to tolerate with this anymore! I gonna snap anytime soon!
The song Believe Me by Fort Minor is so Freakin'ly discribing me!
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to believe me
But I won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now believe me
I don't want to be the one to blame
You like fun and games
Keep playing emI'm just saying
Think back then
We was like one and the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
Just like that
Now you've got a face to pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain like a maze you can never escape the rain
Every damn day is the same shade of grey
HeyI used have a little bit of a plan
Used toHave a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right out of my hands
Now I don't really even know who I amYo,
what do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
ut it's not gonna happen with me
Back then,
I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you proved to me unintentionally
That you would self-destruct eventually
Now I'm thinking like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But it's not gonna work
Cause it's really much worse than I thought
I wished you were something that you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turned your backAnd walked away in shame
All you got is a memory of pain
Nothing makes sense so you stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head when no one else is around
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do what I have to do to break free
What ever happens to you, we'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
Saturday, February 17, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Hi everyone,
everything's back to normal now. Except for the fact that i have to go old school with using my discman since my Mp3's gone. Everyone's like so nice! Almost the whole class is like so forgiving & cheering me up, saying "we'll all chip in to buy you a new Mp3." 205, i really appreciate it, but it's not necessary, I should be buying a new one very soon. You guys can save the money and chip in later for my birthday present! ='] !!! (HaHaHa) Justin, Scott, Ryan & Steven are also damn nice la, all of them cheering me up la, saying the person wont have a good ending, and all saying they will buy a new one. Guys, i thank you so much! But if you really buy one, i'm never gonna talk to you ever again! I really cant accept it! I know you guys wanna make me happy, but cheering me up & making me laugh is enough. Dont have go way to that extend ok? ='] OK! HaHaHa!
Went to reunion lunch in the afternoon with my folks & my maid. (Dont understand why she had to come along) i was practically DROOLING! GOD! Rendang beef, BBQ chicken, Steamed otah fish, Curry vegie (dont the name), Deep Fried Egg Tofu! with Passion Fruit Juice! Freakin' delicious la! Plus we had Soursop & Mango sorbet, Chendol & Traditional Idonesian Avocado Shake with a thin layer of Gula Malaka (Melted Brown Sugar)! I tell you, I probably gained 2kg!
Since Christmas & CNY is the season for gaining weight, surprisingly, I'm ok with it! HaHaHa!
But the heels i wore were really killing me lor!!!!! But i'm better now! Then we were discussing about what time we should go to church tomorrow. i wanted to go at 10.30am so i can see my friends!!!! but my parents opted for 9am! So sad! But what to do? 2 against 1. Have to listen lor, just hope that my friends are going at 9 too! ='[ HeeHee!
Saturday, February 17, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Friday, February 16, 2007
Today so high la! Everyone celebrating
CNY as a class. Sitting together, singing our favourite songs, giving Gladys TONGS for her birthday!!!! Jumping up and down! Most high;
Cairyn & Karin. Damn fun la! Not until someone
freakin' person STOLE MY MP3!!!!!! why!!! it has sentimental value
ok? it was my first ever MP3 and it was my birthday prezzie! Whoever did it, please return! I beg you!!!! If you
don't wanna show yourself... i
don't care! i just want my mp3 back! PLEASE!!!!! You made me cry, you made me cancel my outings! You made my dad pick me up (waste petrol, why waste when you can save the environment)!!!! Just give me back my mp3
ok? Please & thank you!
PS: Sorry Scottie, Sorry Ryan that i couldn't go out.... Sorry! My eyes were too puffy & my nose was brighter than Rudolph's nose!
Friday, February 16, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Monday, February 05, 2007
Steven! You're so so mean! Tell me for what!
Do you seriously think that is nice?!
talking rubbish about my friends?
It hurts even more lor! Forcing doesn't help!
Why are you so like Jason!
we are just friends ok?
they are my very good friends!
why! why! not helping at all! don't like you!!!!!!! Make me angry only!
LOSER! don't talk to me unless you explain!
No explanation, no forgiveness.
No forgiveness, no talking.
No talking, no walking with me.
No walking with me, no seeing me.
No seeing me... equals to no discussions held together!
Don't make me sad! Loser!!!!!
Monday, February 05, 2007 how do i live without you . Y
Heehee! Sorry i've not been blogging often! Heehee! "Sorli" "Sorli"!!!
Gosh! Today so embarrassing la! Nothing to do with the scoring of KC vs. TKGS. It's to do with **** [cannot say who, if you wanna know... ask me directly]. Anyways, **** was like counting the scores then she got mixed up and got Celeste & I mixed up. Then other teachers had to come & see what's going on, then the students of the competiting schools came over, then the coach also came over! So embarrassing la!!!!!
Gosh!!!!!!!! ~.~
Bottom Row: Karin2nd Row (left to right): Phoebe, Aishah [God-husband], Bella [God-child], Me[StefanieLau*], Eva3rd Row (left to right): Megan & Diane Top Row: Yun HuiGosh!!! ^.^I think my eyes are like ~.~
But Isabella's eyes are like -.-
But Phoebe's eyes are like . [ dont know go where ]!!!!
Monday, February 05, 2007 how do i live without you . Y